Monthly circ meeting 9/6/18

Present: Todd, Rachel, Kim, Kellam, Nancy, Shawn, Dan

Summer thoughts:
Bikes were terrible
The lack of Helpdesk staff before and after their hours was noticed
Weeding/shifting project at Armstrong was completed on time!
Lack of student help led to HS student hires, which turned out to be great.

Fall reminders:
Carrels are not yet all repaired from the Spring
Dan will ask Wendy about the accuracy of the catalog re. bound periodicals at Armstrong
Text messaging for library overdues, hold pickups will be available soon
Mobile catalog is close to being up and running. Go to from your cell phone to test out.
Three new subs hired and are being trained
Brief discussion about penalty points. In the end, we decided to try using manual blocks in lieu of penalty points for the semester to see how it goes. Dan will update the documentation.
Interest expressed for a Zoom meeting or video conference call with Monterey circ staff to meet and greet. Dan will look into this once things calm down a little bit.

Midd/MIIS merger doc work took up the remainder of the meeting. Dan will type up the doc and share with everyone.