Author Archives: Steven Bertolino

Research & Instruction Librarian

Thesis Carrels for Spring

Hey everyone! Just wanted to remind you that we will be starting to loan thesis carrels for Spring semester on Monday, February 16 (the second Monday of classes).

We wait a week before giving out carrels in order to give those who just completed thesis work enough time to remove all their stuff from the carrels, turn in their key, and time for me to go through and make sure everything’s been cleaned out and each carrel is in working order.

If students have questions about carrels, tell them they can get them on Monday the 16th, and will need to bring a prinout from Bannerweb confirming they’re signed up for 500, 600, or 700 level senior work (independent study, thesis, etc.) Juniors are not eligible for thesis carrels, but Febs who technically just started their “senior year” are eligible for a carrel. If anyone has a question you can’t answer, just direct them to me. Thanks!

Browsing DVD tips

Hey everyone. I’ve been doing a shelf-read of the Browsing DVDs this week. There weren’t many errors I found, but the few I did were, as Elin would say, “very creative,” so I wanted to mention a few things to keep in mind when shelving Browsing DVDs.

1. If a DVD is not inside the case, do NOT check it in. Rather, give it to a supervisor on duty and they will email the patron who had the movie and ask them to return the DVD.

2. Make sure it’s actually a Browsing DVD – it will say “Browsing Media” on the cover of the case. A few of the discs in the Browsing section actually belonged to DVDs in the Media Collection.

3. When you put away a disc, please check to make sure the sleeve is in call # order in the bin. Look a couple sleeves before and after it to confirm.

4. A number of our Browsing movies have multiple discs. Please make sure, when checking them in or out, that you can account for every disc a set should have.

Thanks for your continued efforts! Enjoy your winter break!

Report from Steve: GLLS 2008

Last week I traveled to Chicago to be part of the 2nd annual Gaming, Learning and Libraries Symposium, a conference geared towards public, school, and academic libraries and focused on the topics of gaming, information literacy, and the place of libraries in serving a youth/student culture which has games and gaming as part of its daily life and experience. Over three days there were a handful of keynotes on gaming in the lives of our patrons, breakout sessions and panels discussing games and our role in promoting, providing, and circulating them, and opportunities for open gaming with each on various consoles, PCs, and with tabletop games.
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Reserves and Media Collection Shelf Reading!

A new clipboard (how exciting!) has been created at Main with a breakdown of assignments for shelf-reading the book reserves, media reserves, and media collection. It’s being kept where all the other clipboards are kept (how enterprising!)

Supervisors are welcome to start assigning section to students on shift. You can go in order or hop around to especially troubled sections. Have the students add the date and their initials when they’ve finished a section. Any questions, just ask. Thanks, everyone!