Reviews done – YAY!
Kim talks about skimming
We don’t do enough business to make it worth it.
Procedure for when a laptop goes missing/stolen: Create a helpdesk ticket and it will eventually get routed to the people who can help.
More specific procedure to come, but until then, just have them create a ticket.
Guest printing – cheat sheet at both circ and Walk-in.
None at Armstrong – send them to Davis
Need to make a “how to logout” sign for the printers. Janine may do that.
Nexpress dying May 1st. We’ll need to do some website cleanup
Armstrong door alarm not working
Front door isn’t closing well
Lockbox is working well for Armstrong
Summer students at Armstrong – have 2 before and after, but still need some
Printer in ILL will be replaced 3/15 (pending snowstorm)