We will be adding several new items to our to our media equipment inventory this fall.
The goal is to standardize most of our cameras and camcorders for our patrons, and to ease the support aspect.
7 additional Canon ELPH 150 digital still cameras (upgrade from the 110 model)
10 (approximately) Vixia hand held camcorders, which will replace the older FS11 line we currently use. (We are keeping our FS 200 models).
We will stay within the XA10 line for the high end camcorder. We have two.
We will receive one palm sized LCD projector. This is a new technology so we will monitor its checkout frequency and performance feedback.
We were unable to add more LCD projectors so we will loan out what we have (8 students, and 5 fac/staff).
One more digital Rebel T3i will be added (yay)!
Mac chargers
(checking on i-Phone chargers)
No iPads or Kindles. These have tapered off in borrowing. We have 10 to circulate which will be fine.
More news will be coming (via the blog) regarding PC laptop re-imaging procedures.