User Services Weekly Report
Date: 8/18/2010
Name: Dan Frostman
Circulation Services – Circ, Reserves, and Stacks
Statistics: 100% more faculty staff laptops available (or at least a lot more than last week!)
Highlights: (Progress towards Goals, accomplishments)
• Working on video instructions of ill using the program Jing. Will post these in a place where any student can see once the Ill dept (Rachel and Morgan) approve the content.
• Doing self reading during the intersession and continuing the map project which is almost done.
• Circ computer un-usably slow – students using supervisor computer
• Very low activity
• Sent reserves reminder to Music and Dance faculty
Davis Family:
• Made a student calendar for the last three weeks of summer school students. Starting on fall schedule in Outlook and filling out PAF’s.
• Helped with reshelving.
• Participated in a game plan meeting about consolidation of student supervision between service points.
• Saturday was busy with returns, but manageable.
• Testing “Bill immediately” change to the loan rules for equipment, reserves, etc.
• New web forms: student application, book donations
• New equipment location: between Kim and Janine’s desks
• All LIS Staff meeting
• Met with cataloging re. circ taking over cataloging of equipment. New Millennium login, templates, etc. created
• New labels for equipment, new ideas for additional labeling
• Looking forward to the Millennium upgrade next week with fun new features
• Playing with Google analytics on the Borrowing page
* Student appreciation lunch
* Met with Head of Reference to discuss ref/circ relationship
* NExpress conference call: despite our lobbying, the consortium does not want to allow renewals on media
• Last week ended with a large number of returns, as Language school came to an end. At some point the P’s were overflowing in the staging area, but the students were a great help with keeping the shelves cleared enough to allow the next cart to be unloaded.
• All unassigned thesis carrels have all been checked and cleared, and a report of repairs sent to Joseph. Lockers will be checked next.
• Our student workers have been plugging away at the re-shelving and have a list of projects to work on once the re-shelving is done.
• BLWC: bursts of activity at Davison; participants requesting books from Davis; reserves are heavily browsed; a few last-minute acquisition requests
• Reserves: processing Fall reserves; all LS book/media reserves are off reserve and in process of being reshelved
CT Team: Special guests Carrie and Kellam to talk about liaisons and ERes, respectively and respectfully.
Space Team: all-campus survey will conclude this week; looking forward to hearing the results
• Slow circ computer at Music
• Reserve book for BLWC went missing (removed from library without proper check out – later found) Resulted in buying another copy.