All departments who require student workers to print as part of their work should have a generic account and must provide it to student workers to cover their work’s printing.
Generic accounts are for various department uses: information sharing, sharing an e-mail account, student’s workers printing without using their personal print quotas…
One generic account will be created per department from this point on. Multiple student workers need to share that department’s generic account.
There will be no person-specific accounts created. Example: Jane Smith in Sociology & Anthropology students will have to use the Sociology & Anthropology generic account. A JaneSmithResearch account will NOT be created.
Departments should ask to have their generic account’s password reset after each term, at the very least, to protect the information within that account. The name of the account will remain the same no matter the user or employer within the department.
There are no LIS charges, at this time, affiliated with generic account printing, so departments should not be concerned about LIS charging grants or any other resources specific to that student’s printing.
Generic account users may not print to public printers, except the plotter.
Generic account users should employ the printers and resources within the department.
o Departments are responsible for monitoring the use of those printers to insure the generic accounts are being used properly.
Bicentennial Hall’s generic accounts users should consult Cathy Ekstrom about usage of and costs for BIH 631C (color printer) and BIH209Plotter.
Departments may confirm generic account information with the Technology Helpdesk. If a department does not have a generic account, they need to request one through the Helpdesk.
Students may determine whether a generic account exists by asking the department coordinator. Upon employment, they should learn whether printing will be required and, if so, what the generic account is.
The Helpdesk may determine whether a generic account exists by asking the department coordinator or checking the list of currently known generic accounts (attached).
Student workers who use their personal quota for work-affiliated printing, only to contact the helpdesk for restoration will no longer receive refunds. All departments must have student workers use their generic account from the start. A student may decide to use his or her personal account for work related printing, if they want to use their quota for such purposes. That would be a personal decision.
Username Full Name
accutrackuser Accutrackuser
ace ACE Office
acestudent acestudent
ada_read ada_read
adstudent Adstudent
alumstu Alumni Student
appprint appprint
bioasst Biology Assistant
bioprint bioprint
cashier Generic Account for Cashier’s Office
ccstudent ccstudent
cfamonitor CFA Monitor
chemlab Chemlab
chemprint chemprint
controlprint controlprint
cso Career Services Office
ctlr Center for Teaching, Learning and Research
ctlrstudent ctlrstudent
dining Dining Services
diningprint diningprint
dispatch Dispatch
econstu EconStu
es_assistant es_assistant
esprint esprint
esstu esstu
fastu FASTU – Student Worker Financial Aid
financialaid Student Financial Services
fmmc_test fmmc_test
football Middlebury College Football
geogprint geogprint
gistrain GIS Training
healthctr Health Center
helpdesk Helpdesk
hoferlab Hoferlab
hrprint hrprint
icaplab icap lab
idcards idcards
infodesk Information Desk
iraf IRAF User
isss International Student & Scholar Services
kcroniselab KCronise Lab
lib_ill_1 Library Loan 1
lib_ill_3 Library Loan 3
libbind libbind
libcirc Lib Circ Borrower Notices
libcirc1 Circulation Desk Internal Use
libres1 Libres1
libstu Libstu
lsaprint LSAPrint
mco Middlebury College Observatory
mminerva Minerva Test
museumprint museumprint
ocrecpt Old Chapel Receptionist
ocsstu OCS Student
ocsstu2 OCS Student2
pastuden Public Affairs
polisciprint polisciprint
proshop Ralph Myhre Golf Course
psycprint psycprint
publicsafety Public Safety
reprographics Reprographics
reslife Residential Life
sched Scheduling, Events
seo Student Employment Office
ses Special Event Staff
sgafc SGA Finance Committee
siostudentprint siostudentprint
socanthprint socanthprint
spanish Spanish School
spritzerlab spritzerlab
stss STSS – Student Account
stuactrecp Student Activities Receptionist
theatredept theatredept
tixsales Tixsales
uro Undergraduate Research Office
uroprinting uroprinting
vcc Vermont Campus Compact
ward_lab Ward Lab
Generic accounts should be used by student workers who require on-the-job printing. It is the only method we have available, at this time, to allow student workers to reserve their personal quotas for the scholastic needs.