I have recently observed an increase in small errors – things that could easily have been prevented by paying better attention to your Circ work. These small errors reflect badly on our department and the work we do, take attention away from all the good work we do, and is not good customer service. Errors cause extra work when we have to search and follow-up with the borrower – time that could be better spent. Please be attentive to the task at hand when performing circ tasks.
A few recent problems:
Reserve books and DVD’s, CD’s, Browsing DVD’s, headphones and power cords/adapters that have been re-shelved without being properly checked-in
Materials that should have been put on the hold shelves have been sent to the shelves
@ Main – re-shelving carts that have been sent to re-shelving with things that don’t belong – Vt Coll, Gov Docs, Browsing books and DVD’s, an Armstrong book, ILL and NExpress books, a faculty author book…
(please check all carts carefully for errors prior to re-shelving)
Equipment parts missing from cases (never check in if there are parts missing)
I know we can do better! Thanks! 🙂