User Services Weekly Report
Date: 2 Sept 2009
Name: Elin Waagen
Workgroups(s); Circulation Services – Circulation, Reserves and Stacks
Total Circ: 12236
ILL at Armstrong: 133 requests/122 requests (91.73% filled); 3 Rapid requests
Total NExpress: 438
NExpress annual report: System-wide, all NExpress libraries circulated some 31700 items among the libraries. Average turnaround was 1.3 days (that includes weekends).
• Preparing for fall term and savoring the last days of summer – everyone busy
• Building hours: Semester break – last week of reduced library hours before fall term; 8 pm closing at Main for orientation; regular hours posted for AY 09/10
• Increased activity in Main Library with arrival of international and first year students – fun!
• Generated/gathered August stats and monthly circ lists/reports
• Staffing: planning for fall schedules; staff schedule changes – opening and covering front desk at Main
• Workflows: task lists – eliminating, reviewing, reducing…
• Millennium Circ: upgrade to v.2009A – small problem logging on the following day; fixed flaw in loan rule for music cassettes; wrote a new loan rule and updated the LRDT for Ilsley to allow items to circulate on ILL for 28 days; evaluating system settings for eliminating retrieval option
• Student employees: Fall student employee schedules being finalized at all 3 Circ desks; Armstrong – Fall schedule is complete for now, outlook up to date, and all students have been sent shift invitations for fall term; Music – will need to hire new
• Thesis Carrels: considering Carrel Day shift to evening, but ultimately keeping it in the morning instead; scheduling staff for Carrel Monday; updated staff and user documentation, forms etc.
• Digital Archives Team: training on ContentDM use
• LIS Website Team: met with AD’s and sponsor to review recommendations; working with LIS contacts for content
• Web makeover: Music Library, Armstrong Library and Borrowing/Circ/Reserves – inventory of pages/links/forms
• Curricular Technology Team: Developing survey for faculty to determine how they use curricular technologies in their classrooms
• Music: Updated browsing CD collection and shifted older CDs into the stacks; re-did signage for stacks after summer shifting project; reserves starting to trickle in for fall course assignments
• Armstrong: Projects – call numbers for donated wall maps; vacuumed display box; arranging maps – halfway done; ILL’s are starting to pick up; equipment bookings for the fall semester; reserves processing; schedule planning
• Revised new manual checkout sheet for all libraries to use when Millennium is down temporary or power is out
• Stacks: Smooth re-shelving effort post Summer session – ready for the fall semester
• Loaner Equipment: Week/weekend before classes start is shaping up to be a heavy equipment use time: lots of bookings
• Reserves: Extra support needed to support Reserve processing; 95 ERes pages for F09 with links, new scanned documents and restored articles; we keep rolling them out ~ our students are doing an amazing job scanning/adding ERes, and picking up and processing reserve items; conquering and dividing the incoming items to keep the process moving, and everyone working hard
• Revising process/forms for MS Office software access
• Updating content on borrowing web pages
• Exploring new system for desk stats
• New MacBook loaners for students have Entourage installed on them — working with HD to have this removed sooner than later
• Self-check on the blink – may need a new de-sensitizer
• Missing donations
• NExpress CD requests – policy for limits?
What library hours were reduced?
Sorry for the confusion!
Last week of semester break reduced hours.