Guest Printing
The process in 4 steps:
STEP 1 – Purchase a $5 PrintCard
Available at The College Book Store, the MiddExpress and the Wilson Café
STEP 2 – Create a PaperCut account on the Guest Print Station
Add value as needed after creating your PaperCut account by purchasing $5 cards
User creates their own print account, username and password
STEP 3 – Select a Printer
At the Guest Print station, open the document to be printed (via personal email, CD, storage device or Zip Drive) and select printer
STEP 4 – Release print
Print Release station is adjacent to printer selected
Log in using the PaperCut account username and password to print (NOT the pclab guest computing password)
Guest Computing
Need daily pclab password to log in to computers – does not permit printing
Guest Borrowing Privileges
By application. Guest borrowing privileges do not include printing privileges, restrictions apply to borrowing.
See Borrowing Guidelines for more info.
Just had a user put the Papercut Print card into the Equitrac machine. The machine spit out the card, but not until after the user had panicked and reported to the circ desk “The machine ATE my card!”
I think we should perhaps place a sign on the guest printing stations to tell midd students it will not recognize their user names and password properly…
Thanks, Momo – that is a great suggestion. I will pass it on.
A quick follow up, after consulting with Joseph.
Here is what the sign says:
To be used only be guests to generate print jobs and to manage PaperCut accounts. Please do not use for any other purpose.
Seems pretty clear – IF you read the sign.