User Services Leader Weekly Report
Date: 7 January 2008
Name: Elin Waagen – Workgroups: Circulation, Stacks, Reserves
1st day back after break: 100’s email in Circ Mailbox; 89 Midd/Nexpress requests waiting retrieval/processing
Circ all branches: 18,240
Circ Reserves: 1023
Web requests: 511
NExpress requests: 487
Missing: 207
Gate counts for Dec – to follow next week
Progress on Goals: (Complete goals listed below)
Goal: Develop regular schedule and content for student training…
o Training – schedules and notes on Outlook indicating shadow and orientation times for all new hires – tracks and documents training schedules to ensure completed training for all new hires; regular communication to team about training and schedules; peer to peer training – partnering new with experienced for 2 shifts prior to solo shift
Goal: Develop Media Materials Workflow
o Updated film screening workflow/procedures – trying new system of setting aside media after processing to optimize quality of screening material
• Holiday vacations – a great break for everyone
• Troubleshooting billing replacement charge bug in Millennium Circ module; Mill support to Ilsley
• Monthly stats and reports (will re-run monthly report as 200+ items were in transit)
• Only 12 Music items to replace from the 3 month list
• Team support to Reserves for beginning of term peak activity
• Support to Winter Term faculty – many new to campus and college and LIS resources, Circ and Reserve procedures etc
• Tweaking non-LDAP list of borrowers/data base to facilitate access to account on web – My Midcat
• Equipment: well organized in preparation for staff absence
• Reserves: Off to a running start first day of term; end of Fall and beginning of Winter terms with very little time for preparation/processing; doing our best as we deal with mostly “rush” reserve requests; educating many new-to-campus WT faculty – going the extra step to educate faculty and make the resources available to the students; support from Circ team and CM with adding and linking documents; lots of managing/delegating workflow
• Armstrong: Busy, but good to be back; the mornings seem to be very busy, with afternoons fairly quiet; minimal equipment reservations; the reserves have been very tame; we have had a lot of ILL, NExpress, web, etc requests 1st week back; lots of courier bins being delivered from long closed period at Arm; taking applications to fill the last gaps in the J-term schedule – plan to hire 2 to 3 new student employees
• Main – successful start to J-term; lots of paging slips for Midd borrowers and NExpress, still re-shelving to be done, lots of helping new faculty with questions, reserves in progress, search lists in progress, new student training in progress… things are hopping!
• Student Employees: Hiring and training new student employees
• Music: Collected reserve stats and cleared reserve shelves
• Stacks: Re-shelving galore! Collaboration across teams to shelve flood of returns; the flood resumed at opening after college break; book drop returns during break – minimal activity during break week (total 28 items; 3 in front; 22 in back; 3 on returns counter) except Sat prior to opening again (additional 50 items; 10 in front drop; 40 in back); using 2 shelves for end of term overflow worked well; planning to resume next phase of collections shift next week; distribution of H-J-K shift looks good at this point
• Catalog staff shelved backlog of Japanese Collection project – new and re-classed – many thanks!
• Kellam away – decreased reserve and equipment support; long hours for reserve coordinator
• Armstrong: Balancing all the start up needs for J-term, while trying to hire to fill gaps in the schedule.
• New student staff
• Fewer staff in building 1st day back after long break – busy start-up; new faculty unfamiliar with resources, services
• Student in building after closing – referred to PS