Many, many thanks to those of you who took the time to respond to the survey.
And thanks for the feedback and the suggestions – we will take your thoughts into consideration in planning the next training meeting.
Total number of respondents: 23
Of those: 9 did not attend the meeting; 14 did
Comments: Did not attend because: Armstrong Library employee; schedule conflict; schedule Conflict: I had to attend a lecture by a visiting scholar; schedule conflict with fall sport;
Was the NExpress/ILL presentation useful? 5 yes; 2 no; 8 indifferent
Comments: I heard the same information as last training; I already knew all this, but i thought there should have been more emphasis on changing the due date when checking out, because i notice that’s what many people do wrong
Was the Reserves presentation useful? 9 yes; 6 indifferent
Comments: New things came up!
Was the Equipment presentation useful? 12 yes; 1 no; 2 indifferent
Comments: New things came up!
Was the Q and A and general discussion useful? 8 yes; 1 no; 6 indifferent
Was the FISH movie useful? 3 yes; 5 no; 6 indifferent
I had watched it in the last training; I’ve seen it before; it was entertaining…; didn’t really relate to work at the library–the type of costumer service I think is much different than the type of jobs they were doing on that movie.
11 additional suggestions/comments:
Can you please offer more than one session? That way more people will be able to fit it into their schedule. Thank you for your help!
Generally, students don’t seem to have a lot of free time on Monday
Paying students for attending would be motivation to attend; otherwise, not much incentive to be present
The snacks were great! i thought that this meeting was probably very useful to everyone who works at the main circ desk, but i don’t usually deal with much of what we talked about in the meeting since i work at the music library. this is also my second year working, and this information would have been helpful when i started, but not so much now that i’ve been there a while
Maybe have separate meetings for Main Library and Branches. Thanks!
Length of the meeting was good. Doing student training is good, but needs to be kept to a say bi-monthly meeting so that students do not feel like it’s a time burden
I think this was a good time…the food was tasty. Maybe have a sheet go around before the meeting (like during the week before) so that students can indicate what/if anything they want to talk about – instead of just open time for questions that haven’t been thought through – that can go on and take up people’s time
I think that it would be a great idea to do a training session focused on all the neat things there are on the LIS website and throughout the library that we, as workers, and also, just generally patrons, don’t know about. I would love to be able to tell a patron a neat way to look up books/music, or a cool feature on our website or in the library that they didn’t know. I’m sure that there are tons of really neat things that the library does/has that we don’t know about, and I would love to learn about all of them.
I think you should take anonymous circ student questions/comments before the meeting and then answer them during the meeting – so people have some time to think about questions and submit them, maybe over a week or two, and also because some might be shy.
Let me know if you have any questions – or additional comments/suggestions. Feel free to comment on the blog – or email me if you’d prefer anonymity.
Hey everyone
Elin asked me to post a comment on here as we have noticed that items on the hold shelf are not always shelved alphabetically. This has created some difficulties in shelving new holds and discharging materials. Please be sure to shelve the items by the first letter of the patron’s last name.
Thanks, Brittany.
Good suggestion for our next training session.
Practice your A – Z’s!
The hold shelf should be in EXACT alphabet order by borrowers last name, so that requests are shelved in EXACT order WITHIN each letter of the alphabet.