Hi all!

So, Brittany here on Janine’s account! Momo and I thought some love and smiles could be brought to the Circ Desk by some holiday cheer. Enter Mission Halloween!

Part I. Coloring!
We’ve taken coloring outlines from off-line, printed them, and left with highlighters for visitors (students, staff, faculty, townies, tour groups, anyone!) to decorate! If you have more art supplies (crayons, markers) you could bring during your shift and you’d be willing to let people borrow, that’d be awesome too! realistically, they might walk so that’s why we say only bring for use during shift.
As you’ll see, this is something we’re so excited people have embraced. Gotten lots of smiles and “this is awesome!!” during our short kick-off tonight. When you come in, if you wouldn’t mind taping up any that have been left in the “drop-off” tray, (scissors and masking tape are behind it) and encourage people to color now, or take one and bring it back! And print out more outlines if we’re running low (just google and print ones you think are cool!)

II. SCARY Movie List
If you haven’t sent your top scary movies to Janine already, please reply in comment to this post! We’re going to compile an awesome display with top movie recommendations 🙂

THANK YOU for being awesome. And hopefully this is something which will bring lots of joy and happiness and de-stress vibes!

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