Author Archives: Joseph Antonioli

About Joseph Antonioli

Senior Curricular Innovation Specialist

Middlebury Design Presentation by White Whale

[middmedia jantonio jantonio Unveiling The New Website.mp4]

Thank you Jason, Tonya and Janie for our first look at what the new Middlebury website will look like. I am personally excited about the possibilities that this flexible design will give us to represent Middlebury on the web.

Also, thank you to David, Bob, Ben, Tara, Charlie, Adam, Scott and Howie for setting up and running the presentation. Great teamwork!

And thank you to everyone who attended the presentation and have been providing feedback. Please keep it coming, we want to hear what the community has to say.

White Whale Unveils Middlebury Web site Design

On Thursday, July 23rd, at 1pm (10am PST), White Whale will be presenting a new design for the Middlebury website. People at can participate in the unveiling in two ways.

Join us in McCullough Social Space, where we will show the unveiling.


Log into the Elluminate session using the instructions here:
Web Access for Design Unveiling

Please join us as we take a look at the first Middlebury design in the Web makeover process.

White Whale Unveils the new MIIS website design

On Tuesday, June 9th, at 4pm (1pm PST), White Whale will be presenting a new design for the Monterey Institute of International Studies website.  People at Middlebury can participate in the unveiling in two ways.

Join us in Library 201, where we will show the unveiling in the classroom.


Log into the Elluminate session using the instructions here:

Please join us as we take a look at the first design in the Web makeover process.

What is Middlebury?

… and in the context of the Web Makeover, how does Middlebury present itself to the rest of the world on a global platform, at a time where we are re-organizing and redefining ourselves?  Can the website’s homepage answer these questions?

Dates through the summer

Below are the milestone dates for the Web Makeover up until the launch of the Monterey site.  Plan your summer accordingly!

May 13, White Whale delivers Monterey top-level IA recommendations
May 21, Monterey accepts top-level IA
May 18, White Whale delivers Strategic Recommendations
May 28, White Whale delivers Monterey complete site map
May 29, Middlebury acceptance of Strategic Recommendations
June 1, DIY ‘workbook’ for Review & Revision of IA & Content
June 3, White Whale delivers Graphic Standards
June 7, Middlebury responds to Graphic Standards
June 9, White Whale delivers Monterey design
June 23, Monterey homepage design finalized
June 30, White Whale delivers Monterey Content Recommendations
July 15, Middlebury delivers 400 stories
July 8, White Whale delivers designs for all Monterey templates
July 17, White Whale delivers top-level IA Recommendations
July 23, White Whale delivers Middlebury design
August 15, Live beta-launch of Monterey site
September 1, Middlebury finalizes homepage (+ top-tier) designs
September 1, Monterey site launches

Strategic Recommendations

We have received the Strategic Recommendations from White Whale, suggestions for large ideas that we should be paying attention to during the Web Makeover project.  The document will also be available here (MIDD username and password required to download)  Below, you will find the coordinating group’s initial thoughts, shared below.

Please feel free to address comments to White Whale and the makeover group, the web makeover group alone, individuals in the groups, or the blog as you deem appropriate.  We will be gathering comments until Tuesday, May 26th, at noon.

What is Middlebury?

The response to this question from White Whale resonated with many of us, especially the statement: “the root of the Middlebury brand, its source and ongoing inspiration, is the community culture, lived daily experience, and personality of Middlebury’s undergraduate students.”

Middlebury’s components and the Middlebury homepage

“The homepages of the component institutions should be the primary channels of communication for those institutions.” – this makes sense, and may generate some good discussion.  We agree that the homepage does not need to tell the whole story, and like the idea of engaging users by telling the story “over time.”

Technology independence and the importance of writing

Appreciated the focus of writing as the key component to a great site. Also agree that we should not rely on specific Web 2.0 technologies.  Would like to see White Whale share their ideas on the editing interface for users.

Blogs dot Middlebury

Agreed with the concept, template designs that can be ported onto other platforms is within scope and part of this project.  More discussion can happen on how this gets implemented.

400 stories

We have started this.  What is the goal of this exercise?  How will this be sustained in the new site?

Midd Search

Appreciate that Search is being addressed early on.  Concerns about the sustainability of custom search pages.

Athletics at Middlebury

Questioning the choice of Picasa.  If we are not relying on specific Web 2.0 technologies, why choose one now?

Turning students into donors

How does this tie into the micro-philanthropy initiative?  Can we add this to the project, or do we need to focus on other features of the site and have this be included in a “phase 2?”

Managing content in an unpredictable environment

Users should not need to know specialized CMS vocabulary.  Also agree that accountability and ownership of the website are goals of this project.

Midd Lab and the language of rugby

This idea needs to be developed. Expect faculty pushback if this is expected to be a driver for interdisciplinary work.  Can this be related to the Commons?  Is this sustainable, do we have the staff?

Platform Committee Update

  1. Created a system inventory and identify dependencies.
  2. Generated a list of platform requirements.  These would be in addition to what is found by the Requirements Committee.
  3. Based on discussions, we identified three strategies for building a new presence.
      • An Aggregator Home Page with no central CMS, content authoring and managing would be done through multiple systems
      • Central CMS for the content of, would include a personal homepage for authenticated users.
      • A combination of the two.
      1. Investigated platform possibilities, with advantages and disadvantages.

      We are currently narrowing down the possibilities based on our requirements, and looking for examples of use in other higher-ed institutions.  We are leaning towards a combination cms/portal platform, and will be deciding whether these two functions should exist on the same or different platforms.