Author Archives: Ryan Kellett

Survey Results

Here are some selections from our survey that we sent out in December:

Current website use:

  • Ease of Use: Students seem to find the current site easier to use than faculty and staff with 69% saying the website is good to excellent. The average across user type is 43% of users ease of use is poor to fair.
  • Navigation: Students again more positive than other constituencies but overall less than half of users say navigation is good to excellent.
  • Appearance: 71% say apperance is good or excellent; less than 10% say it is poor. Students again slightly more positive than others.
  • Accuracy: 36% percent of all users think information on our current website is inaccurate and/or out of date.
  • Interactivity: 15% don’t know if the current site is interactive or not; 53 % say it is poor to fair, and only 32% say it is good or excellent
  • Reflects Depth and Richness of Community: 45% say it is poor to fair; 48% say it is good to excellent; 7% say they don’t know
  • The vast majority of users (82%) use the website on a daily or hourly basis. But a surprising number of students (24%) responded that they use the website only weekly.
  • The usage of GO among students at 55%+, compared to ~30% for faculty and staff.
  • Faculty and staff used bookmarks about twice as much as students did (~40% vs. ~20%).
  • Overall, people were most dissatisfied with search and navigation of the current site.

More results to come! Stay tuned!

Focus Groups

This past week, the Web Makeover Requirements Group ran five focus groups (with a mix of students, faculty, and staff in each one) and a few other focus groups for specific stakeholders around the College.

If you attended one of our sessions, thank you for time and valuable insight.

Our focus groups had a number of topics including:

  • Customization: What type of customization of a personal web portal might you want to do?
  • Navigation: What makes navigation easy and inviting? How do you find what you’re looking for?
  • Comparisons: What other higher education websites do you like?
  • Homepage: What goes on the homepage? What should the homepage look like?
  • Tools: RSS, social media, events scheduling and calendars.

We will be holding more focus groups in the spring, if you’re interested, sign-up to be notified. If you’re already on our list, you’ll automatically be notified.