One thought on “Slides to Explain Our Process

  1. Topher Hunt

    I like what I’m hearing so far from the makeover blog and clearly a well-informed, carefully-thought-out choice will be made on what approach best suits the website’s needs. But I just want to pitch in with my 2 cents commenting that I think solutions based on open-source software are the most practical long-run.

    Because open-source software is so often designed to be extensible and customizeable, the user is less locked-in and has more long-term control over content management. Also, the structure of an open-source project more stably reflects the project’s popularity: because of its community-driven nature, an open-source product will not “go bankrupt” or die off or end support if it is popular and well-liked.

    Particularly in light of the current economic instability, the distinction between company-specific / closed-source and community-driven / open source solutions is a relevant and important distinction to take into account.

    Thanks for reading!
    – Topher Hunt

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