
We’ll be using Delicious, a popular social bookmarking service, to share links with one another. All of our links can be see by pointing your browser to http://delicious.com/webmakeover/

As a first pass at what kinds of links we want to collect, we’ve started using the following tags


links to sites that we think might be useful for us to look at more closely (see the whole list at http://delicious.com/webmakeover/examples)


links to sites of firms that do design and/or information architecture (see http://delicious.com/webmakeover/designer )


links to technologies (commercial and open source) we might use to replace our existing content management system. (see http://delicious.com/webmakeover/cms )

There are various options to suggest a link to this collection:

1. email mdroy@middlebury.edu and I’ll add it (please provide URL and a sentence or two on why it is of interest)

2. add the user ‘webmakeover’ to your network, thenĀ  tag it using the tags we’ve outlined, and then recommend it to ‘webmakeover’ . (If that is unclear, just ask and we’ll come over and show you how to do this!)

3. get the login from us for the delicious account we’ve set up, and you can add links directly.

Please don’t allow this technology to get in the way of sharing links to useful resources. It’s really okay just to email stuff and we’ll add them on your behalf. But we do hope that you’ll explore how delicious works as a way of understanding some of the power of (and problems with!) social software.

No doubt this is an anemic list of tags, and we’ll want to add more, and re-think how we use this to capture our thoughts about various web things not at Middlebury. Feel free to add comments to this post to suggest new tags, or other ways that we might use delicious to further the goals of our project.

One thought on “Tags

  1. Pingback: Middlebury Web Makeover » Blog Archive » Comments on Tagging Scheme (and tagging in general)

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