Coordinating Committee
This group will work broadly with Middlebury students, faculty, and staff to define the functional requirements and scope for the project and the resources needed to transform our web presence. It will communicate regularly with President’s staff on its progress, and ensure that the work being done maps onto the College’s strategic vision for the web as defined last year by the work done by the internet strategy taskforce, and as will be refined by this group.
- Mike Roy, LIS (co-chair)
- Dave Donahue, President’s Office (co-chair)
- Tim Spears, Acting Provost
- Mike McKenna, Communications
- Jason Mittell, faculty
- Ryan Kellett ‘09.5, student
- Amy McGill, MIIS
- Tim Etchells, Communications
- Joe Antonioli, LIS
- Jamie Northrup, Language Schools
- Jeff Rehbach, LIS
- Mary Backus, LIS
Requirements Group
In order to flesh out the requirements sketched out in the Internet Strategy Taskforce, we will engage the Middlebury Community in a series of activities to help us better understand how the College would like to use the web in the future. We intend that this will be community-generated, with help from our group as needed in terms of translation, with opportunity for input and comments from all stakeholders. This information will be used to identify common themes across the various areas, as well as to understand the particular needs of certain areas.
- Mike Roy, LIS (coordinator)
- Maggie Paine, Communications
- Molly Costanza-Robinson, faculty
- Jason Mittell, faculty
- Ryan Kellett ‘09.5, student
- Pooja Shahani ’09, student
- Jai Shankar, Office of the CFO
- Susan Simmons, Office of the CFO
- Jeff Rehbach, LIS
- Lisa Ayers, Events Scheduling & Information
- Amy McGill, MIIS
- Lynn McDonald, MIIS
- Joe Antonioli, LIS
- Chris Norris, LIS
- Shel Sax, CTLR/Bread Loaf/Language Schools
- Renée Brown, Academic Affairs
- Jamie Northrup, Language Schools
- Tamara Hilmes ’10
Information Architecture/Design Group
We will form a team to identify an information architecture/design firm to help with conversion to new platform(s). Once selected, this firm will work with us to refine the requirements document, to develop a set of overall designs, and establish an information architecture for our overall site. We will also work with them to develop a more detailed timeline and strategy for website conversion, and as is likely needed, a phased approach to this conversion.
- Tim Etchells, Communications (chair)
- Mike Roy, LIS
- Amy McGill, MIIS
- Bryan Carson, LIS
- Mark Zelis, Communications
- Alex Chapin, LIS
- Ian McBride, LIS
- Jeff Rehbach, LIS
- Jamie Northrup, Language Schools
- Liza Sacheli Lloyd, Center for the Arts
- Rhoads Cannon ’11
- Andrew Ngeow ’10
- Pam Fogg, Communications
- Kristen Byers, MIIS
Platform Group
We will form a team to survey various technologies to replace our existing content management system, and evaluate the technology based on anticipated requirements. This group will also create an inventory of the various platforms used for web publishing on campus, with an eye towards consolidation/rationalization. The goal is to complete this work by the end of December.
- Joe Antonioli, LIS (chair)
- Chris Norris, LIS
- Ian McBride, LIS
- Tom Cutter, LIS
- Adam Franco, LIS
- Bryan Carson, LIS
- Mike Schuster, LIS
- Travis Stafford, LIS
- Jeff Rehbach, LIS
- Alex Chapin, LIS
- Mark Zelis, Communications
Go to the Stakeholder List
The Campus news article stated that the committee would be listening to the college community of students and others. Granted, the students use the website often and are probably one of the larger constituencies of web users out there. However, the alumni pool is larger and has much broader levels of experience using web based tools. From casual users and neophytes to more experienced, do it all the time users. Consequently, I believe that the committee would be missing an important segment of users if they did not understand how difficult it can be to find certain functions on any website. If one assumes that we are all dummies, then the site becomes intuitive and sucessful. Otherwise the site becomes usable only for those that are tuned in and think jargon.