Author Archives: Jaimie Park

How to Prepare for ECCD NY for Dummies

For those of you who have an interview at ECCD NY this Friday, here is a short summary of the “prep” sheet you all received from our very own T.Funk (which I’m sure you have all read…)

1. Be there 30 minutes before your first interview.
2. Wear your professional suit.
3. Theresa Funk will be there, so don’t freak out. Tyler Lovas and I will also be attending so latch onto us if you need to scream a little.
4. Good luck!

How does this Work?
1. All interviews will take place in one room and will last for 30 minutes each.
2. You must check in at the registration table when you arrive on site.
3. There will be a waiting room for those not interviewing; there will also be a row of chairs “named” for each employer for the students “on deck” to interview (5 minutes prior to interview).
4. Employers will come out of the interview area and greet you at the appropriate chair in the “on deck” area.
5. If you have back-to-back interviews, you will be asked to return to the “on deck” area for the next interview.
6. You should ask for a business card from your interviewer to send a thank-you note after the event.

What to Bring:
1. Picture ID: Student ID or Driver’s License/Passport.
2. Notebook: Very useful for note-taking, collecting business cards, carrying cash/credit cards, and of course, looking professional. You can get one of these professional Middlebury notebooks at the bookstore.
3. Resume (multiple copies!) and maybe even a copy of your unofficial transcript.
4. Cash…for food and transportation NOT bribery.
5. Homework/Reading material…leave your playboy at home.

What to Wear:
1. A suit (duh!), dress socks/stockings, comfortable, yet professional shoes.
2. A watch…or your cell phone, but remember to TURN IT OFF during your interviews.

What NOT to Wear:
1. Heavy perfume/cologne. You do not want to give your employers a headache this early on.
2. Excessive makeup. More appropriate to let your inner beauty shine.
3. Distracting jewelry.

Any questions? Swing by the Career Services. We have drop-in hours from 2-5pm.
Also, you can friend Tyler Lovas on facebook.

ECCD in NYC: Interview Sign Ups March 8

Congratulations Seniors!

Just a quick reminder:
Interview Sign-up Timeline:

-Tuesday, March 8: Beginning at 9:30am, all “accepted” students will have access to sign up for interviews through the system. If an accepted student does not sign up before March 11th, alternates have access and will likely take your interview slot.

-Friday, March 11: Beginning at 9:30am, students selected as “alternates” will have access to sign up for interviews through the system. This is first-come, first-served.

-Tuesday, March 15: At midnight, students will no longer have access to sign up for interviews.

-Monday, March 21: Employers receive interview schedules. Cancellations made less than 48 hours prior to your interview are subject to review and may result in forfeiture of your access to recruiting resources provided you via Career Services.

Practice Interview!!!!
Come in and schedule one today!!!

NYTimes: More College Graduates Take Public Service Jobs

By Catherine Rampell
March 1, 2011

If Alison Sadock had finished college before the financial crisis, she probably would have done something corporate. Maybe a job in retail, or finance, or brand management at a big company — the kind of work her oldest sister, who graduated in the economically effervescent year of 2005, does at PepsiCo.

“You know, a normal job,” Ms. Sadock says.
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Spring into Action Fair

Spring time at Middlebury means outdoor eats at Proctor, really pretty flowers, an awesome MCAB concert, jumps at Bristol Falls, and of course…job fair!

This year, the Center for Education in Action (Career Services, Alliance for Civic Engagement, Health Professions Advising, and Student Fellowships & Scholarships) is hosting an “Action Fair” rather than the annual “Job Fair” since our line-up has extended to grad schools, fellowship programs, service opportunities, counseling in various industries in addition to the job leads.

When: Monday, February 28
Time: 12:00pm-2:00pm
Where: Coltrane Lounge
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ECCD in NYC. Deadline February 14!

Interested in becoming a paralegal? How about a production assistant? Do you want to go into publishing? How about spring break in NYC? ECCD NY is the perfect place to start! It works perfectly for us Middkids because it takes place on the Friday BEFORE our last college Spring Break!

Applications are due on Valentine’s Day (February 14, 2011…for those who are out of touch with this holiday).

1.     Students must create an account on the ECCD Web site at (Students who created accounts for the ECCD Boston event should be able to use the same login info)

2.     Select March 25 from the calendar to see the list of registered employers and jobs for which they will be interviewing.

3.     Cover letters, resumes, and any “other” application materials must be uploaded and submitted to each position of interest to you.   Simply creating an account is not the same as submitting an application.

4.     Questions about the program or application process can be directed to Theresa Funk, ext. 5097 or e-mail

LIFEHACKER: How Do I Get a Job When I Have No Relevant Experience?

Liferhacker answers your FAQ.

Dear Lifehacker,
I have no relevant experience in the field in which I want to work and am having a hard time constructing a coherent plan applying for jobs. How can I convince an employer to hire me?

No Experience, No Job
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Could WikiLeaks Make it Harder to Get a Government Job?

An awesome Vault Career Blogpost found by PCA Casey Mahoney.

In the aftermath of the latest WikiLeaks document dump, the policy on security clearances may come under some scrutiny. And little wonder. The Wikileaker is thought to be PFC Bradley Manning, a 22 year old Army PFC who was arrested in connection with other leaks in June. Manning claims to have held a Top Secret/SCI clearance, which allowed him access to the hundreds of thousands of pages of data now being pored over by…well…anyone in the world who wishes to see it. That raises the question of how he got such a clearance in the first place, and how difficult it is for others to get them.

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A Green Vocabulary Lesson

Remember getting your resume checked by one of our sweetastic counselors? Remember them telling you that you should use your employer’s language and incorporate it into your resume and cover letters? If not, you really should stop by the Adirondack house because the counselors do have some killer advices.

But back to my main point: you have to talk the talk in order to walk the walk.
Do you know what a triple bottom line is? What is lohas? Are you totally confused?

For those of you interested in working in green business, you might want to check out Green for All’s Green Speak, a glossary containing many of the terminologies and buzzwords frequently used in the green industry today. This guide serves as an introductory resource for anyone new to the intersection of sustainability and social justice, as well as for those who lack an exhaustive understanding of commonly used jargon.

10 Interview Tips for the Shy Job Seeker

By Katharine Brooks Ed.D.

1. First, stop apologizing for being who you are. Work with it– find your strengths and get to know them so well that they are all you think of when you are in the interview. You may never be comfortable in certain settings– but you can learn to function well in them, and then you can go home where you are comfortable. A small amount of discomfort and pain and “faking it” can go a long way. You are who you are– which means you are talented in a lot of areas and you can learn to extrovert yourself when needed. Continue reading

How to Market Yourself to Employers in a Recession

It’s amazing what you can
I wanted to share this with you.

The title of this article wasn’t chosen by accident.

What most job-seekers (during recessions and economic booms alike) don’t realize is that applying for jobs is a marketing problem. The best jobs aren’t won by filling your resume with cliches and business buzzwords, using a pretty Microsoft Word template, and jumping through the same tired human resources hoops as every other job seeker. Perry Marshall touches on some of the problems with this approach in his excellent report on using direct marketing techniques to land a new job. They include:

  • The best jobs aren’t publicly advertised. Rather, the jobs you see posted in newspapers and on are the jobs insiders don’t want.
  • Applying for such jobs puts you at the back of a long line of job-seeking clones who look mostly or completely the same on paper. Furthermore, the line is set up in such a way that it’s very difficult to reach a real person at the company.
  • Any real person you do eventually reach is likely to be a human resources bureaucrat rather than someone with serious authority to hire you.

This process can be effective in a prosperous economy, when jobs are plentiful and the competition for them isn’t very intense. But it does not work during recessions. By definition, jobs are extremely scarce during recessions, meaning the competition for what few jobs exist is fierce. And if you try to get those jobs the same way you would during times of prosperity, you’re basically walking into a war zone unarmed.

It doesn’t have to be this way.
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Job Post: Get Paid to Solve Social Problems

Changemakers® is a community of action where we all collaborate on solutions. We know we have the power to solve the world’s most pressing social problems. We’re already doing it, one project, one idea at a time. How do we do it? We talk about the issues, share stories and mentor, advise, and encourage each other in group forums, even engage in friendly competition. We form surprising connections and unexpected partnerships across the globe that turn the old ways of problem solving upside down. We try things that have never been tried before. Our mantra is “Everyone a Changemaker.”™ Whatever your passions, however you want to make a difference, you’ll find a way to make it happen it here. Changemakers® connects you to action because we’re on the ground, making changes every day.

Be the change that you want to see in the world. -Mohandas Gandhi

Professionalism is too often Lacking in New College Grads, Employers Say

Here’s a little article from newsletters that college career counselors read…
Thought you might like to know what is going onnnnn.

Employers are looking for more professionalism from the college students and recent grads they hire for internships and entry-level jobs, according to the 2010 Professionalism in the Workplace Poll conducted by the Center for Professional Excellence at York College in Pennsylvania.

The study questioned more than 400 business leaders and human resources executives across the United States. Its key finding: 38.2% of the respondents said that less than half of all new college graduates demonstrate professionalism in the workplace.
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Interview with Arthur Mittnacht IV ’09: Finance with an International Twist

By Peter DiPrinzio ’13

Arthur Mittnacht IV graduated in a tough jobs climate in 2009, but managed to land on his feet at the New York branch of the German finance firm, Commerzbank. After training in London, he now works in Corporate Solutions Sales. He recently returned to Middlebury on homecoming weekend to share his journey and discuss the possibilities for Midd Kids to work at Commerzbank.

Full interview after the jump.

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Before Making a Big Splash, Learn to Swim

Great advice for seniors. Last two questions are clutch.

Featured in the New York Times:

This interview with Richard R. Buery Jr., president and chief executive of the Children’s Aid Society, based in New York, was conducted and condensed by Adam Bryant.

Q. Do you remember the first time you were somebody’s boss?

A. When I was in college, I started a summer camp for kids in a housing project in Roxbury, Boston. I was a boss in the sense that I was in charge, but these weren’t folks whose careers were riding on this. That was really my first experience being in charge of something.

Q. Were the people working for you volunteers?

A. The college students and high school students were working for modest wages for the summer. But I had to hold them accountable. I had to create a plan. I was responsible for what happened. It was a great experience.

Q. Talk more about that.

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Job Post: Ultimate Mountain Gig ‘10.5

Dear Class of 2010.5,
I am unbelievably jealous of you because you get a chance to do this:

The Canyons is the 4th largest mountain resort in the US.

We’ve created a campaign called the “Ultimate Mountain Gig” – a job contest (very reality TV-like) for people to apply for a job at the Canyons (an incredible ski resort in Park City Utah). The winner gets a 4 month contract, $40,000 ($10k per month), accommodations in a very plush hotel, all travel paid, full access for free to ski/snowboard daily, the latest snow gear, spa treatments, VIP access to all events, and ski training. All they have to do in return is to blog/video about your mountain experience, attend events and learn about the mountain for 4 months.

Salary: $40,000 contract for 4 months.

Go to:

Interview Question: Tell me about yourself.

It’s not even a question, and yet, this command will probably be the first thing you’ll have to answer in your job interview.

Having a phone interview in just a couple hours, I am my own guinea pig for this post. I have been counting down the days since last week for this Friday. Ahora mismo, I can assure you that I’m sick to my stomach and am using all the self control in me to not projectile vomski.

“Tell me about yourself.”

Oh, how I hate those words. Ask anyone who has already done an interview. I’m giving you the greatest advice: PREPARE TO ANSWER THIS NON-QUESTION.

What the HR person really wants is a quick, two- to three-minute snapshot of who you are and why you’re the best candidate for this position. Obviously, you won’t start off by saying, “Well, I’m 5’10 Capricorn. Love long walks on the beach. I’m the best cook I know.” Wait…that wasn’t obvious to you? (It’s ok, it actually wasn’t that obvious to me from the get-go. I almost started by saying, “I’m a tiny Asian.”) Well, this just in: job recruiters DON’T CARE. They are not interested in you as a person. Recruiters want to see if you can do the job.

I found this site to be pretty helpful. Interview Coach Sally Chopping walks you through the steps on how to answer this question that isn’t even a question but is worth about 3 questions. Continue reading

Job Post: CleanTech U Seeking 5 New Associates

**MOJO has this job posted. GO/MOJO

**Application deadline is Tuesday, November 12th. They do not sponsor for the H1-B visa.

CleanTech U Associates Overview

Building the new clean energy and green economy is not only one of the largest economic opportunities of our century, but a human necessity. In a few short months, CleanTech U ( has launched at several leading U.S. universities, been recognized at the Clinton Global Initiative and begun formulating a China engagement strategy to create an international network and organization.

CleanTech U is looking for dynamic, innovative upstarts to help create launchpads for student entrepreneurs and leaders. We’re not looking for the pencil pushing, pinstripe dressed, clock in-clock out type; we’re looking for the troublemakers, envelope pushers, dreamers. If you have a penchant for carving out new solutions, innovating out of a corner, seeing the opportunity in the midst of chaos: We’d love to hear from you!

We’re looking for five associates in various fields. Location is virtual and time commitments vary according to position, availability and aspirations. To apply, please send your resume and motivation letter (not in formal diction please!) to and insert the position you’re applying for in the subject line. We’re looking to fill these positions ASAP, so tell us why you’re crazy enough to be considered!

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Job Post: Staffing Manager at RHI

You may have received an email or two about the Staffing Manager position at RHI, your opportunity to work in a high-energy team environment  marketing their services and negotiating and developing business with new and current clients. But here’s some 411 you didn’t get.

Our very own Midd Alum Bill Driscoll ’91 will be interviewing applicants ON CAMPUS on Tuesday, Nov. 2.
Applications are due by MIDNIGHT (that would be 12am) TONIGHT!

Want more info? Continue reading

Job Post: Teach in the Maldives

The Government of the Maldives’ International Volunteer Programme WANTS YOU!
The program is currently recruiting volunteers to teach English to students aged 6-18 for the Maldivian Academic year from January to November 2011, and because you are so special, they want MiddKids!

The best part about this volunteer program is that the recruited volunteers are PAID! Yes, you will have to fly yourself out to the beautiful Maldives, but get this. Volunteers receive a $400 monthly allowance as well as a $1,100 stipend upon completion of the full program.

For more information:

Career Services will be hosting an info session NEXT WEEK, Oct. 27.
More information will come your way. But if you are really excited, swing by our office!