Hello, MOJO

MOJO is your online connection to Middlebury jobs, internships, information sessions, information tables, recruiter in residence sessions, interviews, applications and workshops. MOJO is for all current students of all class years.

Where do I find MOJO?

www.middmojo.com or go/mojo

How do I register?

Go to www.middmojo.com and click on “Students”. Your username is your complete Middlebury email address and your password is your six digit college ID number. Click on the “Profile” tab. Complete the information requested on the “Personal Information” tab and the “Academic Information” tab.

What fields are the most important to complete?

Name, Student ID, Phone number (best number to reach you), Preferred Industry, Graduation Date and Year in School.

The MOJO Calendar

From your MOJO home page, click on the “Calendar” tab.

Click on the “day view” tab, click on the days of the week to see what is occurring on each day.


From your MOJO home page, click on the “Events” tab.

The “Information Sessions” tab and the “Workshops” tab will display all confirmed Information Sessions, Recruiter in Residence, Information Tables and Workshops available.

Click on the date and time of the session to learn more about the event.

Searching for Jobs and Internships

From your MOJO home page, Click on “Jobs/Internships” and immediately click on “Midd-Friendly Jobs/Internships”.

On the “Jobs” tab, select a position type (example: Midd-recruited Jobs or Midd-friendly Internships)

Click on “Search”

Scroll down and you will see all available Midd-recruited Jobs or Midd-friendly Internships (depending on what you search for)

Applying for a position

Once you have completed a search (described above) and want to apply for a specific position, follow the steps below:

Click on the “Job Title” (example: Marketing/Graphic Intern)

MOJO will display the Position Information on your screen

On the right hand side of the screen, follow the application instructions.

After following the application instructions and submitting your resume or other required documents, do not forget to hit the “Submit” button.

Upload your resume, cover letter and other documents: You must upload your resume and cover letter to apply to positions posted in MOJO.

From your MOJO home page, Click on “Documents”.

Click “Add New”

In the “Label” field, name your resume (example: Peace Corps Resume)

Select the document type: Resume, Cover Letter, Unofficial Transcript, Writing Sample, or Other Documents.

Click on the browse button and locate the file you wish to upload.

Click “Submit”

Saved Job Search (Automatic E-mail Alert)

You can create a job search that will be automatically emailed directly to you. To set up your own job search follow the steps below:

From your MOJO home page, Click on “Jobs/Internships” and immediately click on “Midd-Friendly Jobs/Internships”.

Click on the “Advanced Search” tab.

Select the check box that says “Save as” and name your search in the text box.

Select your search criteria and click on “Submit”

Your search results will be displayed on your screen.

Click on the “Search Agents” tab and click “Schedule”, click “yes” on Enabled.

Select the “Period”, “Multiple” and “Include only new results” fields.

“Submit” your search.

You can delete, modify your schedule or run the search at any time from the “Search Agents” tab.

LACN ‘Jump To’ Feature

LACN provides students access to job postings/internships from 29 top small liberal arts colleges

In the middle of your MOJO home page, you will see ‘announcements’, ‘shortcuts’ and ‘JUMP TO.”

Under ‘jump to’ you will see the link ‘LACN’

Clicking on the link ‘LACN’ will bring you to the Liberal Arts Career Network

Utilize LACN the same way you would utilize MOJO

To return to MOJO, simply go to your LACN home page, and click on the link that says jump to ‘Middlebury College’

If you have any questions, please contact
Becky Pidgeon at bpidgeon@middlebury.edu or 802.443.2485.