Career Services (CSO)

Stakeholder Contact: Tracy Himmel-Isham and Stephen Kiel


WebRedo Contact: MS Costanza-Robinson

It is important to understand CSO’s constituent base.  It’s also important to be aware of the different softwares with which CSO and its constituent base interface on a regular basis from our website.

Career Services Website Target Audiences:  How They Interface w/Technology:

    • Very technologically-savvy; use guides and resources for interviewing, resumes, etc.); access audio and video of CSO workshops and events; log into MOJO and develop their ‘profile’ to allow us to send targeted emails for calendar events, internships and jobs; login to online resources for password protected databases; login to MiddNet for alumni volunteer networking database.
    • Often HR departments that use online resources for resumes; login to MOJO to set up an employer account to post jobs, internships and develop an employer profile.
    • Generally tech-savvy; use our web toolkits and resources; login to online resources for password protected databases; login to MiddNet for alumni volunteer networking database.
    • Moderately tech-savvy; just discovering cloud-computing and social networking; can view archives of our 2 newsletters; review our 4-year Road Map of career development programs; research CSO facility and programs through our web pages.


    • Generally tech-savvy; can use MiddNet to search for alumni practitioners in different industries to contact; research major-related events and resources.

Outside Software that CSO & Constituents Use:

    CSM – (Career Services Manager – a.k.a. “MOJO), a business software product of Symplicity which allows CSO to manage student job applications, uploaded documents (resumes, cover letters, transcripts), employer opportunities and interviewing schedules (ability to make and manage complex appointments), calendars of events/deadlines, and staff marketing emails and deadlines. Below is a simple visual of the architecture of Symplicity’s software.1
    Your browser may not support display of this image.
  • Current CSM issues: The CSM is highly manual, and does not interface with Banner.  Additionally, marketing for opportunities is sent through Outlook with address-lists generated in the CSM. A second example: it would be nice to be able to output the events listed in the CSM into the portal-pages of the new Middlebury site.
    MiddNet – a PCI product, and subset of Panthernet (the Alumni online community), that connects current students and alumni.  There are almost 10,000 volunteer alumni that have placed themselves on the site.  It interfaces with Banner and is managed by Tim Etchells.  Middlebury is currently migrating MiddNet and Panthernet to software vendor Harris.

Website Requirements of Career Services:


  • Middlebury new homepage needs to be aesthetically pleasing. For instance Gettysburg College homepage worked well with our staff members who reviewed it as opposed to Oberlin’s site which appeared “to have too many colors, wasn’t focused enough and was distracting.” A desirable feature on the Gettysburg site was the login/profile feature.
  • Greater aesthetic control/options with whatever CMS we will be using; font size, typeface, color, format, etc.
  • Ability to embed high-quality media streams.
  • Greater administrative functionality:  user, admin, error, and change logs; user/groups permissions management; ability to edit in sourcecode within the css bounds of the CMS, ability to alter channel names, etc.

Our LIKES (current site)

  • The move to a CMS to make web editing easier for standard moderators.

Our DISLIKES (current site)

  • Lack of disclosure of available technologies in a well-maintained and easy-to-access medium:  LIS/communications needs to increase campus’s awareness of their services and technologies.
  • General navigation: CSO has recently thoroughly re-done our entire subsite, and is poised to implement our content with a new navigation.
  • General aesthetic limitations: font, bullet-style, etc.
  • Our CSM software (“MOJO”) does not integrate into the current site (see examples above, and the issue of branding below)
  • The MSCMS is occasionally buggy, illogical, and hard to work with.


  • Consider how students want their information delivered: we’ve been discussing pushing content to students vs. students pulling content either from CSO or other sites (Linked In, Facebook). If we can use the web to do work for us, we can save time and increase productivity elsewhere.
  • Widgets, tagging, wikis, blogs that seamlessly integrate into the CSO website so you don’t “jump” from the main Middlebury site to a CSO non branded site. (CSO’s media archive). 2
  • Higher branding of CSO homepage to display features such as alumni spotlight (the type of thing used on the main homepage and athletics homepage) on careers and student internship experiences.
  • Permissions/bureaucratic burdens to accessing technology/help will be reduced. It seems that alumni spotlight (see preceding bullet) template is not widely available or at least folks are not aware of where/how to get it. CSO has recently acquired access to this template.
  • The ability to integrate our password protected software: MOJO (Symplicity) and MiddNet (PCI) into a seamless Middlebury website.
  • Development of a searchable Immediate Jobs Page that would allow alumni to post opportunities from other websites onto Middlebury’s CSO site.
  • Ability to make use of college media staff and facilities for presenting our workshops, information sessions, and Career Conversations on our website – we can provide the content, but need staff to help us deliver it through the web. Currently CSO uploads 800mb files to Youtube, 100 mb at a time, requiring a labor-intensive process which results in non-high-quality video streams. Rohatyn digital collections produces great embedded video – how do we get that?
  • To have our new CSO site talk to our CSM (“MOJO”) to display our events, new internships and jobs in a new portal type ‘MyMidd’ (like Gettysburg) that could pull in our Hot Internships and jobs as they were posted to MOJO/LACN thru Symplicity. Currently, events are scheduled/posted in MOJO, we have to manually get them posted on Events@Midd.
  • More media for distance learning/delivery.


  • Won’t happen as scheduled (no specific urgency, just a big need)
  • Won’t work as promised
  • Will quickly be out of date compared to the technologies that the students interact with on a regular basis
  • The complexity of so many people involved and slowdowns occurring with implementation
  • Complexity of wanting branding (i.e., CSO wants their site to feel more like the Midd homepage with a fancier template and higher-tech features available) but also wants flexibility to make their own decisions. An array of templates or some kind of buffet-style means of mixing and matching template pieces might satisfy these needs.

CSO is interested in participating in focus groups.

Center for Teaching and Learning Resources

Stakeholder: Susan Campbell and Kathy Skubowski


WebRedo Contact: Renee Brown


  • We regularly use Banner, library, blog for writing tutors, servers, Outlook, and Entourage. Would like to be able to share documents, photos, video, blogs, email, RSS feeds
  • Search/navigation: lack of consolidation. Would like a way to centralize material or link from one location–even if you’re good at finding information, it shouldn’t be difficult to do.
  • There seem to be lengthy delays and lack of timely response to requests for new channels and the possibility of a bottleneck in authorizing and approving requests for new or more web content.
  • The ability to look at the Master Schedule without having to go through someone else is very valuable.
  • Our course management tool is not easy to find on the College web site.


  • Would like to offer short questions and self-paced tests to students as part of the tutoring program but there is no easy way to do this despite the fact that other institutions have this facility. In Math, there are symbol/equation issues, but nonetheless, we should have a built in online testing capability.  Emphasized the desirability of being to work with such a tool without any intermediation by tech folks.
  • Noted the lengthy delays and lack of timely response to requests for new channels, etc.  Also mentioned the possibility of a bottleneck in authorizing and approving requests for new or more web content.
  • The possibility of integrating AccuTrack more into Banner.
  • Having a web designer help with setting up the original structure and organization would be helpful.
  • If there was tracking program that the web admins could run to see where the hits to a particular department are going, it would facilitate the organization of the site. The general sense is that students have difficulty finding information and without information about how people are navigating the CTLR site, it is difficult to know how to improve the organization of information.
  • When on a site, having drop down menus are a comfort, providing glimpses as to the result of clicking on a link and a sense of how the site is organized. Also, shows a variety of options.
  • Hamilton’s teaching/learning site ( is very well laid out. Was searching for oral presentation skills and had no problem logically navigating.
  • Like the idea of having a customized home page, that is optional, but would be most helpful to permit a unique home base for each user.

Registrar’s Office

Stakeholder: Susan Campbell

Registrar Website:

WebRedo Contact: Renee Brown


It’s important that it’s easy for us to update our departmental website (CMS).  The current method works but is rather cumbersome.

The master calendar is a very valuable tool.

Maintaining and/or improving the search functionality will be very important.  Since users have to drill down deep in our current website (pages buried 5 and 6 levels deep) the search function is especially valuable.  We need the website to be easy to navigate for our constituents

(faculty, alums, current students, parents, etc).

Format-wise, a home page that occupies all of the space in the window (not framed in white, or centered) is more visually appealing.  Our current page is flanked in blue space, whereas Harvard’s homepage content spans the width of the entire window.  Some web pages navigate directly to the proper page when you type it in the search engine.  See  Also, larger font is a must!  Users often comment that the font size is too small.  We understand uniformity, but it would be great to have at least a headline font size as well as a text font size.


We would like to be able to explore the possibility of increased functionality of the web to reach our constituents in new ways.  For example, creating a Q & A  first-year blog for registration questions, etc.  Or, an on-campus registration blog during web registration time as new ways to reach students.

It would be useful to employ the “hover” function on the home page with the large categories that allow users to link right away to an embedded page.  Many schools use this functionality well online.  For example, see

It would be very valuable to have a searchable, online database that archives course data (meeting schedules, course descriptions, etc).

Staff Council

Staff Council
Stakeholder: Patti McCaffrey

Web Presence:

WebRedo Contact: Renee Brown

Staff Council is an elected body representing staff on Campus.  Its members are in regular state of change.  In the early summer of every year, half of it members are elected for two year terms.  The Council’s mission is to make Middlebury College a better place to work for its staff.  We are a voice and a link for the staff to the Administration.  Because of that we need to constantly hear from our constituents, the staff.  Part of Staff Council’s charge is to react to their concerns and attitudes towards pertinent issues. On the other hand Staff Council has to disseminate information that it learns from the Administration, Human Resources and various other sources to staff.   In this age of technology, an up to date, easily accessible web page is a great help.

With that in mind Staff Council’s Webpage needs to:

•        Be especially user friendly for its visitors; some of the constituent/users may  be only minimally computer literate so easy navigation is key,
•        Be easy to find from the main College Website; have a Go Midd entrance, a search tool, and be listed under a Faculty/Staff section,
•        Have a prominent feature on the Webpage for staff to communicate with Staff Council; either a Blog feature or a suggestion box set up.  Most likely it will need to preserve anonymity of the posters,
•        Have pertinent links right on the Webpage,
•        Maintenance and updating has to be extremely easy; either sending updates into a central locations for the appropriate technician to maintain for Staff Council or be so easy to implement changes and additions that any future Council representative will be able to perform the duty.

Facilities Services

Met with department representatives and emailed others to provide overview of the web redesign and ask for input.

The Facilities Services website was completely overhauled 2 ½ years ago when the departments of Facilities Planning and Facilities Management were merged into one. At that time, many of the questions asked re: requirements and desires for the website were asked and answered by the redesign. I did ask again if anyone had any specific requests and received the following requests:

1) Directions to campus posted (or a link to them) on the “campus maps” page (accessed directly from the home page). Would make it SO much easier to guide visitors to campus.

2) Photos of the interiors of schedulable Academic Facilities are badly in need up updating. Some do not even have photos. And the site could be easier to find. It would be handy to have that linked directly to the Master Location Schedule

Again, when the FS Department website was overhauled in 2006, we looked at peer institutions to see what they were doing for their Facilities websites.

The features used most regularly by most department members are the Banner Web link to time entry, the Web Mail link, Campus Directory, and FAMIS.

We don’t have any specific information on website use and patterns, in terms of a survey, however people did indicate problems with navigation of the site (“wish it was easier” and “it seems counterintuitive”).

We have encouraged department members to fill out surveys.

Given our web overhaul in 2006, I do not think there is a need for department members to participate in a departmental focus group. The group of staff participating in this discussion included: Jennifer Bleich, Cathy Bilodeau, Julie Hoyenski and Heidi Scheurger.

One thing that we will be updating in the coming months is the work order request format on our website. That effort is underway and is being led by Heidi Scheurger.