Tag Archives: application

Language Schools

Form of contact: Meeting with Coordinators and Senior Staff

Stakeholder: Jamie Northrup

WebRedo Contact: Jamie Northrup

Website: http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/ls/


  • Embedded video
  • easy blogging tools
  • in-language functionality/ability to display other languages
  • photo galleries that students/staff can upload to
  • live-chat capabilities
  • customizable home pages
  • single sign-on (so once you log on you do not have to log on to different tools)
  • links to facebook and other social networking tools
  • distinction between on-campus/off-campus sites
  • application tracking
  • ability to upload and edit forms
  • flash features- have a map that displays where students/faculty come from

Schools Abroad

Form of contact: Meeting with Coordinators and Senior Staff

Stakeholder: Liz Ross and Jeff Cason

WebRedo Contact: Jamie Northrup

Website: http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/sa



  • Easier navigation- drop downs
  • some interactive features like discussion/blog/wiki
  • a ‘discussion’ where students can post, but the postings are only viewed by administrator.
  • We currently have on-line application for non-Midd students applying to Schools Abroad.  It will be very help for advisors/faculty to be able to submit references electronically as well; currently they can just download a PDF and then send it to us.
  • Possibly create a system so that study abroad advisors at other institutions can track students’ applications to see what stage in the process they are in.
  • Being able to send emails to batches of students (Midd/NonMidd/Term Abroad would be handy, though we can access this info now with FMP, or Excel sheets for those of us who keep Banner records in Excel
  • Ability to upload and maintain forms on the www site
  • Option for text-only loading; useful for students abroad in minimal connection environments (e.g. Russia)
  • Directory – improvement would be to search the directory/website directly from the homepage rather than having to click on the link to the directory page.   Also it’s good that there is a drop-down menu for departments, but “student” would be a choice.  And now that it’s been upgraded, the results are shown below (on my screen/browser) the search screen, so you have to scroll to see the results, when really, once I’ve search, that part of the screen could go away.
  • Segue: the text formatting is terrible (it reformats however it likes and doesn’t allow you to change the formatting once on the interface).  This means that unless you’re typing everything from scratch on Segue, the formatting is screwy.  Also, the “son of segue” version, which lacks the quiz function, makes it less useful.
  • Event registration: I like the automatic reply that tells you your event has been submitted successfully, and I like the on-line calendar/room availability feature-it saves a lot of back and forth. On-line forms, such as Events Scheduling, is useful and works well.
  • Student Worker job posting: VERY easy to use-I wouldn’t change a thing, but there has got to be a way to electronically submit a student payroll authorization form.
  • KeySurvey-This seems to be working well, now that we have a departmental account and can steal from one another’s surveys.  The inability to run a report by respondent and hide the email (making them cease to be anonymous) can be problematic.
  • CMS.  I especially like the ability to “replace” old documents.  It’s recently been proven problematic when we link to a server (on-line application, for example) without the “go” url-and then the server we’ve linked to is off-line.  It’s difficult to know what he “go” addresses are and when to use them if we haven’t created them.  The other problems I have are the bulleted lists (if you remove a bulleted list, I can never get that final bullet to delete) and the multiple pastings of text (instead of inserting a new paragraph, often it will insert it twice-and you can’t always just go in and delete the second one).  Much better in this version than the past is the ability to change the size of an existing table and align pictures/wrap text. It would be nice if the Resource Manager saved resources in either alphabetical or chronological order…some type of searchable order (any order really) would be nice rather than the apparent randomization it uses now.
  • Being able to submit grades online (Blackboard has this functionality)

Breadloaf School of English (BLSE)

Jan. 29, 2009

Attending:  Sanda Legault, Judy Jessup, Elaine Lathrop, Lexa DeCourval, Karen Browne, Susan Holcomb with Renee Brown and Shel Sax

One major complaint was the Middlebury branding, student profiles that are undergraduate focused which doesn’t work for Bread Loaf. – would like to have the ability to use BL appropriate content. Love the fact that BLSE is well-positioned on the College’s home page along with MIIS, Writers Conference, etc.

Unlike other groups on campus, BLSE has its own communication/conferencing/email program, Breadnet (First Class software) that it uses for communications, particularly during the summers when the 4 campuses are in session. During that time, many students don’t use the Middlebury College web page, since all available relevant information is accessible from Breadnet.

Types of information: very basic information is currently there but have talked about photos, something like a Facebook page that connects applicants to current students, etc.

  • overview at BLSE page – with who we are, what we do, faculty
  • information that we have is there but the CMS standards are too rigid and have prevented BLSE from changing content – so the original content was mostly straight from the catalog and that’s what’s still there – this summer, looking to have a media section where they can put podcasts – this is an idea for the reunion – also issues with permissions for a large scale podcast initiative
  • integration with Banner Web is critical, particularly for the online applications process.
  • online application is confusing to students – students from the Language Schools apply to BLSE, for example


  • Want to make sure that the inquiry process is in place for admissions, so that online applications and forms work well from the current web page. – some students need assistance but typically because they don’t read the available online instructions
  • some things are very hard to find e.g. webcams, campus map, etc.
  • search function is not a big help but a site map would be a big help. – are there people to advise on the better way to structure the site and to do more creative and interesting things
  • people want to get to information with only a few clicks

Requested Features/Functionality

  • areas for growth including online newsletter, audio and video of presentations, plays, readings, etc.,
  • online community for alums and current students, BLTN for example
  • Single log on and customization of individual pages would be desirable
  • Unique factor about BLSE is the use of FirstClass (Breadnet) for communication and some document sharing. Otherwise, use Ocelot
  • Having a link to Breadnet would be useful
  • Forms, applications, etc. are typically Banner based or on Ocelot
  • Definitely want embedded photos, video, podcasting, etc.
  • visual map for the various campus, virtual tours of the 4 campuses
  • Want to have students submit and publish photos taken by BL’ers with some control.
  • Ability to create summer content that would be easy to turn on and turn off as the yearly cycle turns. How to communicate with students during the yearly cycle that permits the targeting of specific subsets of the BLSE community.
  • Want different types of information – some general for non-enrolled students, faculty, etc. and then have a log in for students, faculty and staff to access more individualized information.
  • Ability to ‘push’ information rather than publish information. – RSS feeds might be of use, but assumes that people use RSS feeds and it is not clear how to create such an environment
  • For example, want to let enrolled students in Vermont that theater tickets are available, but don’t want this information to go to BLSE students on other campuses.
  • want something to facilitate the publishing of images on the web, automating the optimization of the image size, etc.

Workflow – current & desired

  • Interested in having multiple editors with one or two ‘approvers’
  • would like a way to individualize the application forms for BLSE – and looking to put course registration online
  • Use pdf files, and forms that interact with Banner.
  • Note that students range in age from young to old and the older cohorts have difficulties navigating the web site and online forms – there’s lot of individualized assistance provided by the BLSE staff
  • lack of use of credit cards is an issue

ES/EA/Sustainability Integration (SI)

Stakeholder: Jack Byrne

Redo Contact: MS Costanza-Robinson

Currently, ES/EA/SI has a relatively low-tech site that includes text and photos on their page and has a variety of file types for download (powerpoint files of presentations, pdfs of reports and newsletters). This functionality needs to remain, but be expanded and improved upon. The current status of the site is due largely to limited personnel time dedicated to the website. A recent (1-year only) hire will have some role in introducing content and improvements. Requests and or plans for future functionality/technology include:

  • Embedded video and/or audio (e.g., of the weekly ES Colloquium or other seminars)
  • Better access (possible including standard reports) to better web-use statistics
  • Ability to easily form Listservs or groups that specifically include non-Midd addresses (not just built within Outlook) and the ability to generate an email newsletter to the listserv participants; people should be able to subscribe and unsubscribe.
  • Training / portal functions
  • Tagging/aggregating/approving sustainability information from across the website (athletics, EA, SI, IS) and feed it to the ES/EA/SI site
  • Add ability to accept online submission of grant proposals (see URO stakeholder report for more on this requirement)
  • Add searchable archive of ES/EA/SI funding (proposals/reports from previous grant awards) or perhaps of Environmental Council minutes of meetings (see Faculty Council requirement document)
  • Integration of databases across campus and web-output of data: for example Facilities has a lot of information (facility energy consumption, building occupants) that Jack needs. The current process includes too many file-type conversions and people involved in getting the right information. The data exist, but the searches/databases (Sightlines?) are not web-based. Obviously, permissions issues would be important here.
  • The possibility for people to web-submit photos/ideas/text for the website for possible inclusion on the page.

Specific problems with the current site/CMS that were mentioned

  • Tiny blue font
  • CMS awkwardness – simplify direct editing of pages (uploading too many clicks, particularly when you upload the wrong file by accident, to remove that and upload the correct one takes far too many clicks; what you see (even in preview mode) isn’t always what you get)
  • CMS editor permissions issues: student workers have historically done some of the content management for ES/EA/SI. Jack Byrne, as the person in charge of these areas, would like privileges to set-up/approve student permissions. Currently, the administrative hurdles here are time-consuming.
  • Channel pages creating/editing: is it possible to reduce administrative bottlenecks
  • Improve ability to edit CMS on Macs

Specific non-technological requests/thoughts for new site

  • Increase EA/SI prominence on webpage (homepage?)
  • Branding is important, but the flexibility of many templates would be helpful
  • More training – existing training is good, but more could be useful on more topics