Tag Archives: multimedia

Alliance for Civic Engagement (ACE)

Stakeholder: Peggy Burns

Website: http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/tools/ace

Redo Contact: Ryan Kellett

ACE is the most important resource on campus faculty interested in community-connected teaching, learning, and research-and for students who are interested in volunteering, social justice issues, activism and advocacy, citizenship, and international service opportunities.  ACE should be a portal for all things service-whether curricular, co-curricular, or extra-curricular.  In the current economic climate and as health and human services statewide budget cuts take effect, community needs change regularly-and because this is an active campus in terms of service, it is important that the site is perceived as dynamic and up to date/accurate.

Specifically and generally, what do you want from a new site? (as an individual and as an office)

-To have a prominent place on the overall Middlebury College site to promote current and future community-connected teaching, learning, and research opportunities to faculty.

-To have a prominent place on the overall Middlebury College site so that students (current and prospective) as well as faculty and staff interested in community service opportunities and social justice issues can find ACE easily.

-To promote immediate community service needs in a prominent way.

-To be able to promote specific opportunities (internships, conferences, on-campus events) to students.

-To have a number of different “Channels” (like we do now) to divide up the different portions of our site, e.g. Community Service, Anti-Poverty Initiatives, etc.

-ACE has so many pieces-we hope to find a coherent navigational “theme” that brings it all together.

What will help your office get things done more efficiently? How can a new website help your workflow?

-Easier and more flexible content creation, editing, photo/graphic use.

-Better forms (for nominations, community service sign-ups, etc.).

-Better way to archive/view old pages and photographs.

What type of interactivity would you use? What can help your office communicate more effectively?

-A calendar feed that we have on our website with ACE-related events that also automatically feeds into a larger campus-wide site-and have a way for RSVP to come to us plus have the event added to respondent’s Outlook calendar.  Also-a way to promote “outside” events as well via the calendar (e.g., an environmental rally in Burlington).

-A section that promotes professional development opportunities for faculty.

-An interactive calendar for faculty.

-Video (interviews with students and community partners, worksites in action, etc.).

-Video of faculty teaching community-connected courses; interviews with community partners involved in community-connected teaching, learning, and research.

-Opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and community partners to sign up for ACE e-newsletter.

-A way to enable students abroad to report on their service/internships/engagement there (but more formal than a blog, reviewed by ACE first).

-Link for recording volunteer hours (as part of student portal?).

-Online payment (e.g., for MAlt trips).

-How can we get alumni involved?

Do you have examples of functionality, design, or features from other colleges or industries that you like and admire?

-Sites of ACE-related offices (civic engagement, service learning, community service, citizenship, etc.) at Bowdoin http://www.bowdoin.edu/mckeen-center/index.shtml , Tufts http://activecitizen.tufts.edu/ , Amherst https://www.amherst.edu/academiclife/cce , and Swarthmore http://www.swarthmore.edu/langcenter.xml .  Also:  Georgetown, Macalaster, Princeton, Carleton, Bryn Mawr, and Colgate.

-We really want to have the capability to create “photo slideshows” on a regular basis-the type of slideshow where the picture changes automatically every few seconds. Here is an example of what we like: http://www.colgate.edu/DesktopDefault1.aspx?tabid=1870. Here is an example of what we don’t want: http://www.middlebury.edu/admissions/gallery/?galleryImage=0 because you have to click “next” each time.

If you currently create or edit pages on any of our web sites, what functionality is good? What could be improved?

-We like that we can create content (e.g., a new News and Events story) and add it immediately to the website without going through a lengthy or bureaucratic approval process.

-We would like it if there were a better system for the News and Events Feed archives… right now they just run down the right-sidebar in a long column.

-We would like ACE to be able to use both the left and right sidebars (if the new system has both sidebars). Right now we can only use our right side-bar although some offices use both sides.

-Web stats!  We need information on who visits the ACE page-and which section(s) are most visited.

-Less “homemade” looking-e.g., it’s so obvious when the home page looks great, but other pages look just cobbled together (not arguing for total conformity, just a conformity in overall graphic appeal).  More opportunity/options for choosing design emphasis (heads, etc.).

-More seamless and clarifying links to collaborating departments (e.g., CCAL).

-Better search is critical.

The Commons and Orientation

Stakeholder: Katy Abbott
Website: http://www.middlebury.edu/campuslife/commons and http://www.middlebury.edu/campuslife/events/orientation
Redo Contact: Ryan Kellett

General: Orientation in both February and September is run, in part, by CCAL (JJ Boggs). There are five commons, each with unique personality and work processes. This report represents all five commons.

Orientation Requirements:

  • Constant Update: the orientation website is unique in that information changes almost daily, especially in the several weeks prior to Orientation which takes place in September and February. That said, the authors of these updates are far and wide since Orientation brings in many areas of the College. It is essential to both have a “working space” for information updates and then a one-click solution to immediately reflect those changes on outward-facing website which is presented to all incoming first-years. Currently, it is far too cumbersome to update the site that often and results in misinformation among first-years who then choose to call in or email.
  • Workflow: The collection of people in charge of Orientation do not have the time or background to necessarily update the website. They have other roles at the College and therefore updating falls to the wayside.
  • AskHiba: It would be nice to have an AskHiba-type (http://askhiba.wordpress.com/) place for first-years to ask questions and receive answers from peers (both upperclassmen and other first-years). This would relieve some of the pressure of calls and emails while still being quite personal. Students should be able (and are likely willing) to run this site. If it’s possible, it would be nice to dynamically feed a FAQ from these questions and answers.
  • Facebook: Start “official” Facebook groups for the admitted students (which then turn into first-years). It should be official in that the school or a Middlebury student moderates it, but it should not be moderated by the Orientation committee. Link our pages into this group.
  • Text Online: find a better way to display lots of info in CMS rather than lists and PDFs.
  • Visually Stimulating: better visual appeal and presentation of orientation information. Rollover graphics would be nice.
  • Similar CCAL (Doug Adams) functionality: online forms, payment, ticketing, embedded interactive media, etc. We do need to be able to take reservations and payment on line.  Class photos, Bread Loaf accommodations, and more mean that having that capacity would be ideal.

Commons Requirements:

  • FYS and Sophomore Experience: Find ways to support the first-year seminars and sophomore experience as part of the 4/2 Commons System. This could take the form of displaying some of the work from the FYS, as fed up through class blogs or websites. This should not require students to do any more work than they already do — should be automated in feeding up content to populate some sort of display of the Commons experience
  • Dynamic Bulletin Boards: Commons are often places to post information (for example in weekly “newsletter” type publications that are posted in bathrooms). An online space (message board, wiki, or wall?) for such activity might be nice but must be sure not to compete with other online spaces. If underused, it becomes useless. Some sort of moderation/vetting needs to be in place.
  • Neighborhood: there should be a way of identifying students online (within the Middlebury universe) as from a certain commons.
  • Deans and Faculty Heads: There should be a better way to connect with deans and faculty heads which are the “family” within the Commons. A lot of emails go out from Commons Coordinators that say: “faculty heads have tickets available for these performances” or “the dean reminds you to bundle up because of extra cold weather this week!” These types of announcements are common but finding a way for deans/faculty heads to connect (but also get information from) is important.

College Advancement

Stakeholder: Mike Schoenfeld

Liaisons: Maggie Paine and Joe Antonioli

Stakeholders interviewed: two in-depth discussions were held with representatives from all CA departments. In addition, each department provided written feedback on requirements.


College Advancement requirements focus on:

  • integration of the many sites it relies on;
  • personalized pages;
  • improvements to online giving and registration;
  • improved data collection;
  • repurposing of content/ability to pull content (video, stories, slideshows, blogs, etc.) into their department web pages,
  • tracking and analysis of online communications;
  • sharing of documents and information within work groups;
  • creation of a microphilanthropy site.

Integration of all CA-related sites

College Advancement needs the various sites that cater to alumni, parents, and friends to be seamlessly integrated and easy to access. Currently, they are not easy to find, it is difficult to move from one to another, and each one has a different look and feel.

These sites are: College Advancement (ie. Give to Middlebury) and Alumni and Parent Programs pages on the cms, Middlebury Initiative, microphilanthropy site (to be developed), online giving form, PantherNet (Harris Connect online community; includes MiddNet career network), Middlebury Online, Agents in Action and Initiative Volunteer Leadership site (volunteer management tools), Google APP events calendar, and University Channel, as well as Facebook pages, LinkedIn site, YouTube, and other social networking tools. In addition, there are affinity group pages developed by alumni, students, or faculty that need to be incorporated into or easily accessible from the CA site. (Examples include the D8 Web site and Digital Bridges site). (Please see appendix for complete list of non-CMS pages that College Advancement relies on.)

PantherNet-the Harris Connect online community-is currently being developed and will launch in May. Alumni and Parent Programs will use PantherNet for many services, and it’s critical that these services are integrated with the Middlebury site. The services include:

  • Event registration tied to a searchable calendar of events
  • Broadcast e-mail tool with tracking capabilities
  • Constituent directory with search tool and easy update process
  • Classifieds
  • Career networking tools including interface with LinkedIn and MiddNet, job postings, and online resources

Harris also has the option for alumni to create personalized pages; however, CA is interested in being part of the overall Middlebury customization project. (See below.)

Personalized/Customizable Pages

College Advancement needs to have customizable pages for its alumni, parents, and volunteers. In addition to providing options for alumni to customize their own pages, CA would like to be able to pull specific content into alumni pages, perhaps through a combination of previews of blogs, e-mails, news feeds, videos, etc., and links.

Some of the content could be determined by an individual’s Banner record. For example, if an alumnus was celebrating a reunion, information specific to that reunion would automatically be pulled into his page. Similarly, if an alumna were a class agent, Initiative leadership volunteer, or Cane Society representative, specific links and tools would be included on her page. Donors could see their giving history.

Other content that might be pulled into a person’s page includes events, important college news, such as a communication from the president, notification that the latest donor honor roll was online, Initiative updates, Annual Fund progress reports (with overall and class participation), and stories relating to a person’s interests as shown in Banner (athletics, D8, etc.).

College Advancement would like to see customized pages/portals for volunteers and stewardship reports for individuals accessible after log in.

There is interest in having one log-on that would provide people with access to Middlebury personal pages, donor honor roll, online community, and their pages on multiple social networks. (particularly for younger alumni). At the least, once logged into any Middlebury site, there would be no need for log in to another Middlebury site.

In addition, CA would like to see personalized Web pages for staff members, with features such as calendar, project team discussion groups, and rss feeds.

Online Giving and Registration

Online giving and registration need to be more fully automated and connected to Banner and the Harris online community. Online giving also needs to be easier for donors to use and to provide more giving options.

Currently, TouchNet does not interface with Banner. Instead, each gift and registration requires a journal entry to be done. Then gift processing and alumni staff members enter gifts and registration information manually into each person’s Banner record. Recording registration information on the web site is also a manual process.

College Advancement would like to see the following improvements to these systems:

  • Enable Touchnet to interface with the logic that is already written into Banner Self Service.
  • Automatic processing and entry of registrations and gifts into Banner with a screen that allows each gift and registration to be reviewed by a staff member, then accepted. This would also include automatic entry into Banner of updated personal information that is generated when people register for an event or make a gift; again, this data would need to be reviewed before being fed into Banner.
  • Event registration forms that require people to include their e-mail addresses and other personal information.
  • Event registration forms that also allow people to make a gift and have both automatically processed (see above).
  • Registration and gift information automatically displayed on appropriate college pages. For example, when someone registers for reunion, his/her name would automatically appear in the list of who’s coming on the class reunion page; as gifts came in, the “mercury” in a thermometer tracking giving would go up.
  • Automatic processing of recurring credit card gifts or pledge payments (currently done manually and credit card information must be kept on file)
  • Once a person logs into the system (either the online giving form, online community, or personal Middlebury page), when he/she goes to make a gift the personal information we have for them in Banner is automatically displayed.
  • Elimination of need for storage of personal security information (credit card data) on College servers.

Online giving could be made easier and more effective in the following ways:

  • Enable memorial gifts and gifts in honor of others
  • Flag missing information in the online giving form as people are filling it out
  • Include a printable form for multi-year pledges as part of giving form
  • Enable automatic withdrawal from donors’ bank accounts on a monthly basis
  • Allow donors to request information about gift planning, reunion giving, etc. using the online giving form
  • Provide a feature that recognizes what someone is giving to and suggests other options (like Amazon)
  • Provide option for links to videos that demonstrate impact of giving in particular areas
  • Customized online giving forms for different areas of the College (BLSE, LS, etc.) or specific fundraising projects (Organic Garden, etc.)

Improved Data Collection

Updated information on constituents is key to being able to communicate effectively. College Advancement needs to collect e-mail addresses and other information about alumni and parents. The changes noted above, will help. They are interested in other methods of collecting this data that we might suggest.

Repurposing Content

College Advancement needs to able to pull and display content aggregated in Middlebury Online, “below the fold,” or available elsewhere on the Middlebury.edu site (campus blogs, discussion groups, news, stories, lectures, video, slideshows, The Campus, WRMC, etc.) into individual CA pages, where having such content would reinforce key messages and help advancement tell the Middlebury story to its audiences.

Tracking and analysis of online communications

College Advancement needs the ability to track and analyze its online communications. It may be that training in using Google Analytics, Lyris, and the Harris Connect broadcast e-mail tool tracking function will fulfill this need.

Sharing of documents and information within work groups

An easy, searchable system for sharing documents and information-perhaps also including as video, slideshows, photos, etc.-is needed to replace the static N drive, where advancement officers currently store and share information. This must be accessible from off-campus. Having the ability for multiple people to work on a document at once (like Google docs) would also be useful.

Microphilanthropy Web site

College Advancement is charged with developing a site that combines concepts from microfinance and social networking and that enables donors to fund specific projects that are meaningful to them and to connect with others who share their interests.

Other Needs

  • Graduate programs easily accessible via the home page.
  • Discussion groups in each of the languages we teach
  • Interactive thermometer that tracks alumni participation
  • Amazon-type feature that remembers visitors’ preferences
  • Obvious way to provide feedback or comment
  • Ease of site navigation
  • Meeting organizer that makes it easy to schedule meetings involving many people
  • Donor site accessible after log-in that includes donor honor roll, 1800 Society and True Blue Society pages, and other stewardship content.
  • Interactive map or other feature that would enable alumni and college communications to post a photo and a brief story or statement. Then each person/location would be added to the map and when you clicked on it, you would see the photo and quote. Map would also have locations of all our schools abroad and Bread Loaf sites with information on each one. An alternative way to show this would be to rotate photos/quotes on the map. MSNBC did something similar, but without the map. Roll over a particular photo of a person and you get a brief quote. Click on the full story and it delivers the story in a pop-up screen. See www.msnbc.com/id/26903309

Art Department and Slide Museum

Dana Barrow, Visual Resources Assistant (443-5546)

I’m working with Monica McCabe on the art history and studio art sites:

Monica McCabe, Academic Coordinator, History of Art/Studio Art (443-5234)

Websites I’m re-doing:

  • History of Art and Architecture department website
  • Studio Art department website
  • Visual Resources website

What we’d like to do:

  • Create a new graphic design that mixes art images and short blocks of text
  • Generate new content focused on the people and facilities in the art departments (example: faculty and student profiles), as well as informational content (example: courses and requirements, downloadable forms)
  • Create clear, new information architecture to organize our new content
  • Add photo galleries, video/audio clips, and social networking tools

Areas where I know I need help:

  • Creating video (example: short faculty and student interviews, images of student work, panoramic images of studio spaces)
  • Conceptualizing dynamic (i.e. effective, not necessarily flashy) was to present photo galleries
  • Conceptualizing  dynamic navigation

Ideas from Shel Sax that we’d like to follow up on:

  • A proposal for a winter term class for video making next January (2010) so we can create high quality video clips
  • Creating a space on our site where students (HARC and SA) can create portfolios.  (The model is teacher education.)  This might be a good place to use social networking tools.
  • Fostering some kind of convergence with Segue (examples: portal with access to online exams, course websites, and student portfolios)

General list of things we’d like to do/have (in no particular order):

Information about people in the department

  • Short profiles of faculty, visiting architects, students, and alumni (I will create list of people.)  Models are “My Midd Experience” and the short format of the bios in theater programs with accompanying photos.  Could involve short questions for faculty such as, What is your most recent accomplishment?
  • An online magazine for a more in-depth look at who is studying abroad, faculty research and projects, student projects, etc.  Model might be International Studies magazine (http://www.middlebury.edu/academics/ump/majors/is/)
  • A feature where HARC faculty talk briefly about their favorite works in college art museum
  • Place where we can link to external info about faculty and students (example: College alumni magazine will be doing a feature on John Hunisak and we would like to link to this


  • Images of our studio spaces (studio art and also architectural studies)
  • Photo galleries of student work
  • Photo galleries of faculty art work


  • Info on courses and requirements (SA + HARC)
  • Info on planning your major, including study abroad (HARC – link this to student portfolios)
  • Downloadable forms (HARC – or make this part of student portfolios)
  • Put our department calendar online (HARC – maybe)
  • Special page on architecture and the environment (HARC)
  • Page about student work exhibitions (SA)
  • How-to info on VR site (could be in form of blog or wiki)

Technical Stuff

  • Support for Flash (studio art would like their site to be animated in some way, HARC doesn’t require this)
  • Ability for VR staff, academic coordinator, faculty, and students to add materials to various portions of the site
  • Ability to integrate images into site design (e.g. images of faculty and student art, images from museum collection)
  • A way to create student portfolios online (maybe use Segue)

Inspiring website we like:

  • Some of the pages on the Rhode Island School of Design website (http://www.risd.edu/undergraduate)
  • What we like about it: clear architecture, video, photo galleries, integration of art images into the design

History of Art and Architecture

Courses + Requirements

Faculty office hours

Students and alumni

Visiting the department

Resources (artstor, VR collection, museum)



Studio Art

Courses + Requirements

Faculty + Office Hours



Study Abroad

Student Gallery

Visiting Artist Program


Sculpture in the form of a chair (photos)

Visual Resources Collection

Note: Made in CMS but links to pages made in another program

Collection Holdings

Stats on our facility and others’ facilities

Breadloaf School of English (BLSE)

Jan. 29, 2009

Attending:  Sanda Legault, Judy Jessup, Elaine Lathrop, Lexa DeCourval, Karen Browne, Susan Holcomb with Renee Brown and Shel Sax

One major complaint was the Middlebury branding, student profiles that are undergraduate focused which doesn’t work for Bread Loaf. – would like to have the ability to use BL appropriate content. Love the fact that BLSE is well-positioned on the College’s home page along with MIIS, Writers Conference, etc.

Unlike other groups on campus, BLSE has its own communication/conferencing/email program, Breadnet (First Class software) that it uses for communications, particularly during the summers when the 4 campuses are in session. During that time, many students don’t use the Middlebury College web page, since all available relevant information is accessible from Breadnet.

Types of information: very basic information is currently there but have talked about photos, something like a Facebook page that connects applicants to current students, etc.

  • overview at BLSE page – with who we are, what we do, faculty
  • information that we have is there but the CMS standards are too rigid and have prevented BLSE from changing content – so the original content was mostly straight from the catalog and that’s what’s still there – this summer, looking to have a media section where they can put podcasts – this is an idea for the reunion – also issues with permissions for a large scale podcast initiative
  • integration with Banner Web is critical, particularly for the online applications process.
  • online application is confusing to students – students from the Language Schools apply to BLSE, for example


  • Want to make sure that the inquiry process is in place for admissions, so that online applications and forms work well from the current web page. – some students need assistance but typically because they don’t read the available online instructions
  • some things are very hard to find e.g. webcams, campus map, etc.
  • search function is not a big help but a site map would be a big help. – are there people to advise on the better way to structure the site and to do more creative and interesting things
  • people want to get to information with only a few clicks

Requested Features/Functionality

  • areas for growth including online newsletter, audio and video of presentations, plays, readings, etc.,
  • online community for alums and current students, BLTN for example
  • Single log on and customization of individual pages would be desirable
  • Unique factor about BLSE is the use of FirstClass (Breadnet) for communication and some document sharing. Otherwise, use Ocelot
  • Having a link to Breadnet would be useful
  • Forms, applications, etc. are typically Banner based or on Ocelot
  • Definitely want embedded photos, video, podcasting, etc.
  • visual map for the various campus, virtual tours of the 4 campuses
  • Want to have students submit and publish photos taken by BL’ers with some control.
  • Ability to create summer content that would be easy to turn on and turn off as the yearly cycle turns. How to communicate with students during the yearly cycle that permits the targeting of specific subsets of the BLSE community.
  • Want different types of information – some general for non-enrolled students, faculty, etc. and then have a log in for students, faculty and staff to access more individualized information.
  • Ability to ‘push’ information rather than publish information. – RSS feeds might be of use, but assumes that people use RSS feeds and it is not clear how to create such an environment
  • For example, want to let enrolled students in Vermont that theater tickets are available, but don’t want this information to go to BLSE students on other campuses.
  • want something to facilitate the publishing of images on the web, automating the optimization of the image size, etc.

Workflow – current & desired

  • Interested in having multiple editors with one or two ‘approvers’
  • would like a way to individualize the application forms for BLSE – and looking to put course registration online
  • Use pdf files, and forms that interact with Banner.
  • Note that students range in age from young to old and the older cohorts have difficulties navigating the web site and online forms – there’s lot of individualized assistance provided by the BLSE staff
  • lack of use of credit cards is an issue