Staff Council
Stakeholder: Patti McCaffrey
Web Presence:
WebRedo Contact: Renee Brown
Staff Council is an elected body representing staff on Campus. Its members are in regular state of change. In the early summer of every year, half of it members are elected for two year terms. The Council’s mission is to make Middlebury College a better place to work for its staff. We are a voice and a link for the staff to the Administration. Because of that we need to constantly hear from our constituents, the staff. Part of Staff Council’s charge is to react to their concerns and attitudes towards pertinent issues. On the other hand Staff Council has to disseminate information that it learns from the Administration, Human Resources and various other sources to staff. In this age of technology, an up to date, easily accessible web page is a great help.
With that in mind Staff Council’s Webpage needs to:
• Be especially user friendly for its visitors; some of the constituent/users may be only minimally computer literate so easy navigation is key,
• Be easy to find from the main College Website; have a Go Midd entrance, a search tool, and be listed under a Faculty/Staff section,
• Have a prominent feature on the Webpage for staff to communicate with Staff Council; either a Blog feature or a suggestion box set up. Most likely it will need to preserve anonymity of the posters,
• Have pertinent links right on the Webpage,
• Maintenance and updating has to be extremely easy; either sending updates into a central locations for the appropriate technician to maintain for Staff Council or be so easy to implement changes and additions that any future Council representative will be able to perform the duty.