Stakeholder: Drew Macan and/or Laura Carotenuto
Web Redo Contact: Chris Norris
1. Improve Job Description Listings
a. Segment differently (ie. by dept?) so that supervisors can find easily.
b. Roll up to headers?
c. Have job number connected to position.
2. Improve open position functionality
a. Create list of applicants so supervisors could see all applicants for open positions with application materials
b. Supervisor be able to access a list of their open positions all in one place and then click through to the applicant list for each job
c. Students could see the status of positions for which they applied (“interviewing”, “filled”, etc.)
d. A way for the student to save their application content and use it in more than one application.
3. Investigate using OpenHire for SEO jobs.
4. The ability to post short video instructions (how to apply for a job, how to complete payroll cards, etc.)
5. Automated system to set up students in a job once hired – currently slated to become an EPAF.
6. A customizable homepage for each student with an RSS feed from SEO so that we can push out information without resorting to emailing “All Students”.