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Colin Boyle

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C Ya L8R


lol bye.   Today is my final day of work. I thought a blog post would be a fitting swan song for my career as a Summer Admissions Intern. This summer has been a really cool experience for several reasons. I had a lot of new first: jumping off cliffs for the first time, trying […]

Live Free or Die (or pay a $103 fine)


This weekend I received my first speeding ticket of my driving career in the beautiful state of New Hampshire. Despite the fact that receiving a speeding ticket really conflicts with the values of NH (live free or die) I still received one anyway. After researching various methods on how to deal with speeding tickets, I […]

Two Bro’s and Growing Up


Proctor closed for the week (ugh) and now there is no dining on campus. You may have read Kelsey’s post on being an adult and cooking every meal, but it is even harder for me. Due to an earlier than expected deadline for summer housing fees, I forked over a significant portion of my pay […]

American Flatbread (also we lost at trivia and I’m mad, but I ain’t stressin’)


American Flatbread may be the best pizza in Middlebury. Utilizing a primitive, wood-fire oven, the concept of the restaurant calls back to communal style eating. It’s also located in the Marble Works. Middlebury used the Marble Works as sawing and finishing mills for an Italian based marble company. The water mill at the falls, which can […]

The Mont is REAL


This weekend I took a jaunt to Montreal, driving up in a Subaru (predictable). On the way up, we played a variety of fun car games, including one where we designed sentences that would be difficult for the driver of the car to say (Ian has a hard time saying the th sound). The humor […]



Kelsey and I often attend similar events, and she is often a better blogger than I am. In order to avoid covering the same material, I’m going to cover this past week and weekend like a high powered sports broadcaster. After brainstorming for two hours and presenting at lest 50 alternatives to bowling, a few […]

Growing Emotionally Attached to a Tomato Plant


Here’s me with the plant. Please note that this picture was taken at 11 pm on a Wednesday and is thus not a great visual depiction of myself. Last week, there were more than a dozen tomato plants left outside the student center, with a cardboard sign that beckoned the Middlebury community to “adopt”. Being a […]

Weekend in NY: Day 2, Yoko Ono and Tacos


Inevitably, we ended up in Manhattan on day 2 of our trip. The journey began innocently enough, at a metro north station in a Westchester town with a faintly Native American name. I wish with both my girlfriend and her sister, a current high school student and the most sarcastic person from New York since Jerry […]

Weekend In NY: Day 1, Elephants and Cheetos


This weekend, I recently found myself in New York, assisting my girlfriend in giving back her mom’s car in exchange for getting a family car (it had been in the shop for several weeks). This meant a free getaway from campus, and the awkward and hilarious encounters with her family. The drive down provided interesting. Lake […]

Navigating the Language School Crowd


I recently came back from vacation, and suddenly found myself in the throws of foreign language speakers. No, Vermont has not been invaded by a multilingual army. Instead, Middlebury is currently hosting over 1000 students for the summer Language Schools (you can read more about that program here). Students of all ages are currently swarming […]

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