Weekend update


I decided to save this weekend update until today because for most of America, yesterday was still the weekend. However, for many families with rising seniors, Labor Day was spent visiting Middlebury, instead of boats and barbecues. Hence- their college visit vacation became my work day when I didn’t post about the weekend and to intrude on anyone checking this blog on their personal day off.

My quick weekend was great though, so I can’t complain. As promised, I went to Cafe Provence for dinner on Friday night with my family and got the most delicious swordfish followed by a scrumptious lemon cheesecake for dessert (seriously, this place is amazing, if you drop what you’re doing right now you could probably make it there for dinner tonight). On Saturday, I drove to Ludlow, VT, where my family was staying for the weekend. We went kayaking in Lake Ninevah and it was hot enough that in the middle of the lake we jumped out and had a quick swim before paddling back to shore.

On Sunday, inspired by our recent outdoor-activity success, my family decided to go on a hike on Little Rock Pond Trail. You guessed it- the four mile trail leads hikers to Little Rock Pond and back. This meant that the humid hike had a wonderful break in the middle where we stopped for lunch, relaxation and a swim.

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Once we got back from our excursion, we ordered pizza for dinner and I got back on the road to head to Middlebury. Even though I got off campus for the weekend, I stayed in Vermont and can truly say from all the activities, there are so many hidden beauties this state has to offer. Just as I got in the car to head back to Middlebury, I snapped a pic of this sunset- a great way to end a great weekend. IMG_5162

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