

The freshmen moving in yesterday made me reflect on the transitions that come with moving away from home. Reminds me of how I felt my first days here. Moving to college is really exciting but also a very strange feeling. There’s always a mixture of emotions that come with it: excitement, nervousness, relief, and fear… etc.

Many freshmen were feeling this way yesterday and I just want to say that this is perfectly normal. One of the FYCs in Battell wisely told them, “Feel what you need to feel, when you need to feel it.” I thought this was a great piece of advice and that’s why I wanted to share this with all of you.

Transitions are part of all of our lives. At some point, everyone goes through these life transitions (eventually). And as the Freshmen transition into their homes for the year, the school transitions from summer to fall! The leaves are starting to change, even though the weather feels very much like summer. But you see, even the world around us is constantly changing.

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