Archive for August, 2015

Oh how fleeting the transitions of life are


So yesterday was the big day. All the students here on campus moved into their fall housing assignments. I got to move to Gifford and it is fantasmablastic here!!  Packing everything up over the course of the week was surprisingly simple. Moving it all was more tiring than expected but still an adventure. Thankfully Gifford […]



Disclaimer: even though today is my last day at the office for the summer (still giving a tour tomorrow though!), this post is not going to be a proper reflection or goodbye. Sorry friends. All summer long, two close friends of mine, Charlie and Emma, have been working as the Chief Administrative Officers of a […]



Today is my last day*, so naturally I am looking back on the summer. My first day feels like yesterday but also like forever ago. So much has happened over these past months. I’ve trained for a marathon, visited the Ben & Jerry’s factory, found many new swimming holes, and went to prom. I met […]



I’m back. I know I said that yesterday’s post was the last of the summer but after the events of last night I have to document my thoughts and feelings somewhere. As everyone in the office knows, I am both wildly competetive and completely into trivia, so as a goodbye to summer trivia I went […]

Peace out forever or at least until september


So as I said in my blog post from Monday, this week is my last week as an admissions summer intern and I have to make it worthwhile. I did this in several ways these past few days. I went shopping in town, learned how to open a can without a can opener, and I […]



Finally I have a successful food story to share! With dining halls almost ready to open I knew I was running out of time to make myself proud, so last night my friend Ella and I decided we should make a pizza. We didn’t have very many cooking supplies (lacking a knife, rolling pin, oven mitt, […]

Life’s a Zoo


When you live on campus for months on end, the dogs that you interact with on a regular basis are few. So, if I’ve learned anything over this past year, it’s that college students love (read: freak out when they see) dogs. When my advisor asked if I would dogsit for him a few days ago, […]

C Ya L8R


lol bye.   Today is my final day of work. I thought a blog post would be a fitting swan song for my career as a Summer Admissions Intern. This summer has been a really cool experience for several reasons. I had a lot of new first: jumping off cliffs for the first time, trying […]

My Hogwarts letter arrived!


Last night, after inhaling a delicious meal prepared by Tabitha, a few of us inquired as to the current status of the Quidditch closet; whether it was clean, and also where it was actually located. I have never seen this magical place of splendor, but I heard that it was recently reorganzied. As a techie […]

Week-long Hiatus


Sometimes it’s nice to take a break, enjoy the weather, and spend time with friends. The summer is a great time for internships, jobs, and experiences, but it’s also wonderful to relax. I took the week off of work, enjoyed the weather, and decompressed. In the morning I would volunteer at the Organic Farm, and […]

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