So like I said in my Taylor Swift post on monday, I actually did do other activities while I was on vacation. The Sunday following the concert I flew home to Florida for the week to spend some time with my family and take a large amount of naps. Let me lay out my week at home for you:
I got home at about 10:30pm still on a Taylor Swift high and then made my poor family re-live the entire concert through my eyes before knocking out.
I went to the DMV (fun stuff I know) and then took a nap. My mom made the best dinner ever and then we had cookies.
All I wanted to do was go to the pool and be in the sun, but it was raining so I watched Criminal Minds instead.
My mom had the rest of the week off from Wednesday on (YAY) but left the house for THE ENTIRE DAY and then NAPPED when she was home. She really wanted to hang out with me. Just kidding my mom loves me and hung out with me that night.
This is where my vacation goes from me doing nothing to me doing EVERYTHING. I went and got my nails done, which were messed up 3 times before I got it together. I dyed the ends of my mom’s hair purple (I can’t believe she let me do that) and I taught my grandmother how to order properly at Chipotle.

So my cousin who I hadn’t seen in a year was coming down and we were picking her up from the airport, while at the same time JJ my mom’s husband was picking up his 10 year old daughter. Then all of the sudden there were 7 people in my house.
My family was going to have a big barbecue in Tampa with another chunk of my family, totaling 12 people in a house that usually holds 3. Factoring how loud we are normally, JJ’s daughter and my cousin’s boyfriend were definitely not prepared for the ruckus that the Arthur family created. We had a fitness contest, including pullups (the two cops in my family won obviously), we had a dance party, there were TWO babies, my uncle and cousin were hand cuffed together at one point, I tried on a bulletproof vest, we played heads up, and I even taught my uncle how to Instagram. We also took the ultimate family selfie.

As you can see my week just gets progressively more absurd and more active, especially considering that I started out with a series of naps and television marathons, but welcome to my family!
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