

On our last excursion to Burlington my roommate and I stopped by the L.L. Bean store for a while. I could feel my Middkid levels rising each second we remained in the store. I was a real Vermonter for that short period of time (minus the Subaru though).

Our main purpose for going there was for Malik, my roommate, to trade in his old boots for a new pair. While he was talking with the exchange clerk I began wandering around and made a discovery. I am happy to say that I am now the proud owner of my own Bean boot(s).


It may be in the form of a cookie but that still counts. Right? After he was done, Malik also found something quite nice.


Sadly, he wasn’t able to buy the bag that day. However, I’m sure that he’ll be dreaming about it for a while.

And who knows what’ll happen next on, ADVENTURES IN B-TOWN!!!!!!

One Comment to


  1. August 13th, 2015 at 10:28 pm       Shane Healy Says:

    Adventures in B-Town also include: going to the used bookstore and buying way too many books (or maybe that’s just me?). Can’t wait to explore Burlington again! I’ll have to go into the L. L. Bean store next time, their stuff is so great.

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