Welcome to MIIS@work!
MIIS@work was created to provide Monterey Institute employees with a single destination for the latest information relevant to work and life in our community.
We encourage your participation, either by leaving your comments on an existing post or by submitting a post of your own.
To add a comment, click the “comments” link below the title of the post.
To submit a post, send it as an email message to mcgill@exchange.miis.edu. Posts may be edited for clarity and accuracy. (This means that if I notice a typo, I’ll fix it!) Photos can be included with your post.
You are also welcome to become a contributor. Just let Amy McGill know that you are interested and she will make it happen.
To ensure that you receive all the latest posts and comments, subscribe to the MIIS@work RSS feed. The url for the feed (which you can paste into your RSS reader) is https://sites.middlebury.edu/miiswork/feed .
We look forward to hearing from you!
Blog administrators:
Amy McGill, Associate Vice president, Planning and Special Projects
Beth McDermott, Executive Director, Institutional Advancement