Share your view of the world!

2010 Calendar Photo Contest Announced

The calendar will showcase and celebrate the experiences, diversity and cultures present at the Institute and will be available for purchase this holiday season.

* Open to all members of the MIIS community (Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni)

*  There are no specific scenes or categories required for this photo contest. Please consider submitting images that reveal the culture, people, scenery, traditions and/or unique aspects, capturing the essence of a place you have visited or live.

*  All photos must be submitted digitally on a CD or DVD, no exceptions. (If your photo was taken with a film camera, please scan it and submit it as a digital file)

* Digital photos must be at least 300 dpi (1 MB or more in size)

* Color and Black and white photos will be accepted.

* You can submit a maximum of three photos per person.

*  When you submit your photos you must include:

Your Full Name

If you are a Student, Faculty, Staff, Alumni

Email Address

Phone Number

Title of photo (for each photo)

Location (for each photo)

Caption for photo (for each photo)

* You must also submit a signed release waiver for the photos. (Please see attached file)

* Deadline for all submissions is Friday, October 9, by 5:00 pm. (No Exceptions)

* The top 12 photographs will be used in the calendar

* Photographs will be judged by the Monterey Institute Community in an online voting process during the week of 10/12/09-10/16/09. Winners will receive a free calendar.

* The twelve photographs chosen for the calendar publication become property of the Monterey Institute of International Studies. Photographs will be viewed online via a password protected website. By submitting your photograph(s) you are authorizing that they can be uploaded to a third party site for viewing and voting.

* Only one photo from each photographer will be eligible to win a place in the calendar. If more than one photograph from a single photographer wins, the photograph that received the most votes will be the winning photograph for that photograph. The subsequent places will be awarded to the photographs from other photographers with the next highest vote count.

Submit your photos to Gail Lu, Coordinator of Student Services, in the Student Affairs building. If needed, you can also send your photo CD by mail to Gail Lu, Monterey Institute of International Studies, 460 Pierce Street, Monterey, CA 93940.

If you have any questions, please call 831.647.3586 or email

We will continue to hold the Annual International Bazaar Photo Contest in the spring.

Style Guide Released by Communications Department

The Monterey Institute’s Style Guide was recently updated and is available for download here and on the Web site’s Faculty & Staff resources page. The Style Guide provides policies and guidelines for use of the Institute’s logo and seal, as well as answering questions from “What’s the correct way to refer to alumni degrees?” to “How should I format the term M-squared?” Please make it your first reference for any and all question about Monterey Institute style, and share any feedback with Jason Warburg, executive director of communications.

Film Series Screens Argentine Comedy

The T&I Spanish Program of GSTILE is proud to present the twenty-fourth film in its Argentine Film Series. This is a continuing, free-of-charge event, open to all MIIS students, faculty, staff and guests. Films are in Spanish with English subtitles. The blockbuster comedy UN NOVIO PARA MI MUJER (A BOYFRIEND FOR MY WIFE, 2009) will be screened Tuesday, October 6 at 6:30 PM in Room B 104. The film stars award-winning actor and producer Adrián Suar as Valeria Bertuccelli’s husband. Valeria is the “perfect” manifestation of pessimism, bad vibes and constant nagging and whining. Adrián is so fed up with her that he tries to find a man who will seduce her, since he can’t bring himself to ask for a divorce.

A BOYFRIEND FOR MY WIFE has been recognized both by film critics and audiences alike, and has been nominated for four Silver Condor Awards—the statuette of the Argentine Film Critics Association—for Best Actor (Adrián Suar), Best Actress (Valeria Bertuccelli), Best Supporting Actor (Gabriel Goity) and Best Screenplay (Pablo Solarz).

Watch the trailer (in Spanish) on YouTube

Future screenings will include The Signal (November 10) and Argentina’s representative to the 2009 Oscars® Leonera.

Special screenings on demand. Please contact Prof. Marcos Celesia.

** See poster attached **

Kathi Bailey Chairs TIRF Board

Monterey Institute Professor, Dr. Kathleen M. Bailey, has been elected as Chair of the Board of Trustees of TIRF (The International Foundation for English Language Education), and as President of the Foundation. TIRF is a charitable foundation that raises funds for research, solicits and vets proposals, and disseminates the findings. The current focus of the foundation is on creating and disseminating research evidence on the international role of English, to support best practices in the development of English language skills in our 21st century global society. For further information, please visit