President Ramaswamy Goes Head-to-Head with David Letterman

One of the highlights of Commencement and Inauguration weekend was Sunder’s Top Ten list, which we share here:

The Top 10 reasons why I accepted the presidency at the Monterey Institute of International Studies

10. When I moved from Middlebury College to the Madras School of Economics in Madras, India, I was looking for another place that began with an “M”.
9.  The Board of Trustees offered free passes to the aquarium.
8.  I looove the smell of fog in the morning.
7.  No spring mud season – yeah !!
6.  Nobody says “no” to Clara Yu!
5.  I thought this was DLI…
4.  Monterey’s zip code 93940 is cooler and closer to 90210 than Middlebury’s 05753.
3.  I wanted to have a golf game.
2.  I wanted a real challenge, like being a college president during a historic economic meltdown.

And the number one reason for me to join the Monterey Institute…

1.    I always dreamed of one-upping Dave Letterman by having my Top 10 List translated into seven languages.

On a more serious academic note, Sunder’s remarks at the Inaugural Symposium are attached.

Staff Workshop on Diversity and Communication

Thanks to our connection with EdFund through the Financial Aid Office, we are able to offer a second staff development workshop entitled “Communicating In a Diverse World,” on Thursday, May 28th, from 1:30-3:30 pm in room B104 of the Morse Building.  In this engaging, two-hour workshop, you will take a fun and interactive look at how our understanding of diversity influences our communication.  Decode hidden assumptions, and learn the true impact of body language and stereotyping. Examine how you as a leader can help your team feel more comfortable with diversity, and establish a positive context for every interaction.

Here is some information on the workshop leader, Mark Gotsch:

Mark joined EdFund’s Professional Development training team in January 2004. Mark comes from a well-rounded public service background and has over 15 years experience as an instructor for community colleges, technical high schools, and has experience in program development and coordination. He has worked in radio and television and has appeared on Southern California cable TV news programs.  Mark holds a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts and a master’s of arts in Adult Education.

Please email Michael Ulibarri if you plan to attend.

Add to your collection of MIIS logo items!

All staff and faculty are eligible for a 10% discount on MIIS merchandise purchased on-campus at the Simoneau Alumni House.  MIIS merchandise makes a perfect gift for campus visitors, graduating work-study students, and other colleagues and friends.

Apparel items include polo shirts, short and long-sleeved t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, and fleece-lined vests.

Logo items include baseball caps, glass and plastic mugs (perfect for Happy Hours), lapel pins, and tote bags.

Simoneau Alumni House is open for merchandise sales Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.

MonTREP’s Gordon Hahn Investigates US-Russian Relations

MonTREP Senior Researcher and GSIPS Visiting Assistant Professor Gordon M. Hahn’s Century Foundation Paper “U.S.-Russian Relations and the War Against Jihadism” commissioned by the Working Group on U.S.-Russian Relations co-chaired by former Senator Gary Hart and former U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union Jack Matlock has been published and can be accessed at

Hahn was also part of a delegation of scholars, experts, and NGO leaders that held 25 separate meetings with congressmen, congressional and senatorial foreign policy aides, and representatives of U.S. governmental agencies during the week of April 27 – May 1 in Washington, D.C offering expertise and advice on improving U.S.-Russian relations. A statement and article that grew out of those meetings can be found here.

M-Squared Program Committee Update

Tsuneo Akaha, M-squared Academic Program Coordinator, has prepared an extensive update on the work of his committee with its counterpart at Middlebury.  Highlights include the immediate commencement of planning for two integrated BA/MA degrees, in International Policy Studies and Language Teaching Methodology. Attached are the full report, and a list of past collaborative academic activities.

Advancement Leads Off in “Running One MIIS” series

On May 5, Beth McDermott gave the first presentation in the “Running One MIIS” series of discussions on the impact of reorganization and integration. If you missed it, you can download her presentation.

Additional presentation will take place every other Tuesday at noon in the Board Room.  Please check here for a complete list of topics and dates.  Next up, on May 19: HR.

Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy Project Complete

Teachers on Their Way to Baku

Patricia Szasz and her team of curriculum developers have recently
delivered their completed coursework to the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy
(ADA). The team was hired by ADA last year to develop the English language
curriculum for a new Master’s program in Diplomacy & International
Affairs, as well as specialized English training for in-service diplomats.
The new curriculum will be piloted this summer. The relationship between
ADA and MIIS continues to grow as two MA TESOL alumnae will lead the pilot
implementation. Lisa Donohoe and Nicole Doty Langi will be heading to Baku
in June to teach the curriculum that they developed. You can learn more
about the project at the Inauguration Symposium to be held here on campus
on May 15.

The Pizza Process Continues

The ideas were presented at the idea fair on April 16th and 187 MIIS community members gave feedback to the pizza groups. All the ideas where seen as in line with the strategic plan of the Institute and will move forward in some way.  The pizza groups deserve a big CONGRATULATIONS for all their hard work and for their vision of making MIIS a better place.

The groups will be meeting with Lynn McDonald to discuss next steps.  Some groups might start to implement their ideas quickly and others will continue to research and look into important issues such as sustainability, needs and phasing.  It’s a process!

For more information about the pizza process and various pizza ideas, stop by our booth at the Inauguration Symposium on May 15th from 1 – 5 pm or visit our social network.

Innovation does not only happen with pizza – keep thinking of ideas and stop by Kade to continue the conversation!

2009 Innovators