MIIS Reorganization Planning Information Published

As promised by President Designate Sunder Ramaswamy at last week’s series of meetings, here is a presentation on the administrative reorganization of the Monterey Institute’s academic programs. It provides guiding principles for the reorganization, an overview of key elements and rationale, timelines, and a preview of the process for community engagement.  Also attached is a document that describes the key leadership positions within the restructured administration and invites expressions of interest in these roles between now and December 15.

Stay tuned for further details regarding faculty and staff participation in the February retreats (dates, times, locations, how to sign up).

What’s all the yammering about?

Yammer?  What’s that?  Sounds like nonsense…

Yammer is a new tool that is currently being used by some staff, faculty and students to stay more connected.  It’s a website, just for folks with a miis.edu email account, that asks you to answer the question “What are you working on?”.  This is a simple and quick way to share what you’re doing, send out interesting articles/resources or ask questions of the MIIS community.  It can be compared to twitter or the status update from facebook, but just for the MIIS community.  Yammer started as an experiment initiated by the TLC and has now grown to include 56 members and 297 messages. 

Interesting…how do I sign up?

Simply go to www.yammer.com and put in your miis.edu email address.  You will be sent a confirmation email and redirected to our miis.edu yammer site. 

Then what?

Once on the site, please post messages to the community!  You can tag your messages, follow certain people or tags, and make work groups on specific topics.  You can also download yammer for your desktop so you don’t have to use it only on the web or install a yammer application for your iphone or blackberry.  It is simple to use and they provide a clear guide to help you learn the ropes.

See you on yammer!