Software Tech Assistant Tips

Things to know before starting After Effects

So, you want to learn After Effects. Good! I’m glad. Everyone should learn After Effects (Ae) but I understand the trepidation. Ae is scary! Even the best Premier editors that I know have expressed their fear of it. I have been using Ae for almost 8 years now and it is my best friend, my […]

Software Tech Assistant Tips

Helpful Premiere Pro Shortcuts

So we all love editing, that’s why we chose this major, but sometimes we are in a hurry and need to export a video asa fast as we can. Although hanging in Axinn basement until 4AM may just be your “thing”, I want to make sure that you can get out of there quicker if […]


Intro: TouchDesigner

What is TouchDesigner? TouchDesigner is at its core a programming language. However, it probably looks and works quite different from the programming languages that you might have encountered before. First of all, Touch Designer is a visual programming language which means that instead of the code expressed in text, TouchDesigner utilizes visual and graphic elements […]