What’s with the beef?
Sure, Twitter is one more reason for people to be too absorbed in their Blackberrys and Iphones to have real conversations with you, but here’s the thing. Social media is taking over the world by storm. Jobs are looking for applicants who know how to tweet. They want employees who know what a trending topic is. The U.S., apparently, is attempting to utilize Twitter to engage North Korea in diplomatic negotiations.
For the “numbers” people:
A study by CNN has found that 43% of news sharing online is done through social media.
In April 2010, Twitter revealed the stats.
* Twitter now has 105,779,710 registered users.
* New users are signing up at the rate of 300,000 per day.
* 180 million unique visitors come to the site every month.
* Twitter gets a total of 3 billion requests a day via its API.
* Twitter users are, in total, tweeting an average of 55 million tweets a day.
* Twitter’s search engine receives around 600 million search queries per day.
* Of Twitter’s active users, 37 percent use their phone to tweet.
So before you make fun of the next person tweeting about his thoughts on Proctor lunch, I suggest you get yourself an account and see what all the fuss is about. It might do you some good.
Who is tweeting at Middlebury?
Ryan Kellett: @rkellett
Jaime Fuller: @j_fuller
Tyler Gibson: @tylergibson
Ty Flynn: @ty_flynn
Michael Suen: @poetichentai
Frank Sweeney: @fcsweeney
George Altshuler: @georgelouisalt
Casey Mahoney: @caseymahoney
…just to name a FEW of many Midd Tweeters.
Also check out…
Public Safety: @public_safety_ (HILARIOUS)
Stuck in the Middle: @simvt
MiddBlog: @middblog
MCAB: @mcab
Middlebury Athletics: @MiddAthletics
Middlebury College: @Middlebury
and of course…
Middlebury Career Services: @MiddCareerServ
yours truly,
Jaimie: @ja1mie