“Establishing Yourself as a Working Professional.” Or…as the people from the CCAL office who made those fine calendar of events for the dining halls called it, “Establishing Yourself as a Working Professor.” Ring a bell?
Last Monday, April 5, at 4:30pm in BiHall 220, seniors got a taste of what life is going to be like after Middlebury. Miss the senior program with the crazy long name? Don’t worry. I will save you from failing at life after graduation step-by-step. How? Well, our awesome panelists have decided to be nice and divulge their top secret information with you all. Here is your first from Middlebury’s very own Lisa Hoff.
I’m going to give you about 5 seconds to take all the information in.
Have you now realized that you have hundreds of question? Well, lucky for you, Middlebury has something called the Careers Services Office, located right next to the Adirondack Circle! And…it gets better. THEIR SERVICE IS FREE!!!!!
Drop in hours run from 2:00pm-4:30pm. See you then!
It’s really well done! Respect to author.