Dear Class of 2010,
What they never tell you about leaving Middlebury: when the bubble bursts, reality will hit you. It may not hit you hard, but it will hit you. It’s not pleasant, but it’s nothing to be afraid of. In fact, chances are, the better you are prepared, the less likely you will be negatively surprised. Here are some common difficulties which you may encounter.
It’s competitive out there. Remember, you have received a lot of support throughout the last four years—from your teachers, your coaches, your family and friends. Alas, this is not the norm: unless you find a mentor (which I encourage you to do), you are pretty much all by yourself from now on. Likewise, the playing field is different; you are not competing against twenty-year-olds who dance shirtless on weekends—you will be working with people who have twenty, thirty, forty years of experience. It may just take some time until you are special again.
In all likelihood, your life will lack structure. Even if you didn’t know what you were doing for the last four years, you knew exactly what you were working toward—a bachelor’s degree. Once you are out of Middlebury, however, this clearly defined path will disappear, and this disappearance may cause you to feel insecure.
You may also feel lonely—your friends will be dispersed all over the world, and you may have a hard time meeting new people, especially after ten-hour work day. No doubt, you will miss Middlebury; you may even miss constantly being busy. There are few things as disturbing as coming home from work, being by yourself, and not having anything to do. Welcome to the real world.
I am exaggerating. Be aware, however, that you may experience some difficulties adjusting to life after Middlebury. It’s common, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Speak to your friends about it—they too will be in a very similar situation. And if you want my personal advice: be patient. Take it step by step. Reality is a nice guy—just don’t expect too much too soon from him.
Konstantin Schaller
Middlebury ’09
University of Tubingen