15 Ways to Blow your Job Interview


By John Q Recruiter

  1. Giving attitude to the receptionist? Not such a good idea. She works for us, too.
  2. I may in fact be “hot” or “smoking”, but sharing that with me in the interview is kind of negative.
  3. When I give you a chance to ask me a few questions, your very first inquiry should not be, “When can I take vacations?”
  4. Attending a meeting is not the same as “co-leading team events or “serving as part of project brain trust.”
  5. Since email accounts are free, how about a basic first initial/last name combo instead of snoopyluv@aol.com?
  6. Yes, we hire smokers. That being said, we prefer employees who don’t smell like they moonlight as chimney sweeps.
  7. Wondering if today’s applicant applied her perfume with a hose instead of a mister…Jeez.
  8. I get that you want to keep your resume to one page, but agate is for stock tables and box scores, not resumes.
  9. Telling me about the girl you are dating at work that you need to get away from isn’t a good answer to why you want a new job.
  10. Our website has 100 pages of content and we’re in the press daily. So how is it that you know absolutely nothing about what we do?
  11. A weekend beard may work for your interview at GQ, but now here.
  12. Telling me that you’re hanging onto this job until what you “really” want comes along doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.
  13. You wouldn’t have your [friends] to an in-person interview. So why would you have them with you on a phone interview?
  14. Seriously? The candidate went to the University of Connecticut and identifies it on her resume as YUKON?
  15. “You’re my first interview since the summer.” Me (in my head): “Great, every employer had the sense to pass on this guy except me.”

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