- At the Tower of Babelby Katrina SpencerEnglish: I think we’re about done here! French: What did he say? Arabic: Come again? Portuguese: Aren’t you guys hungry? I’m dying! Spanish: I could go for a nice glass of red wine!…Continue Reading At the Tower of Babel
- Korean School – Sahie Kang, Ph. D., Director of the School of Koreanby Terry SimpkinsEnhancing Communicative and Intercultural Competency via Digital Fluency 한국어학교는 미들베리대학 외국어학교 100주년을 기념하면서 2015년 6월 개교한 이래 벌써 4년째 여름 학기의 입학식을 기다리고 있다. 한국어학교는 미들베리 여름학교의 11번째 학교로 그 전통을 이어가는 것과 동시에21세기의 최첨단 정보기술의 접목을 통해서 혁신적인 교재개발, 교사연수, 평가 방법등을 기획하고 실행해 나가고 있다. 특히 미들베리대학 전체의 미션 스테이트먼트에서 강조하고 있는 디지털…Continue Reading Korean School – Sahie Kang, Ph. D., Director of the School of Korean
- Hebrew School – Jessica Solodkinby Dan FrostmanJessica Solodkin School of Hebrew Student – MA Program Summer 2018 . הגעתי למידלברי בלי לדעת מילה בעברית. התרגשתי אבל גם פחדתי מכיוון שלא ידעתי למה לצפות. ברגע שהתחלתי ללמוד לא לקח לי הרבה זמן כדי לראות שמידלברי הוא מקום קסום שבו אפשר ללמוד הרבה על עצמך. למדתי עברית בבית ספר לעברית ואחר כך התחלתי…Continue Reading Hebrew School – Jessica Solodkin
- Portuguese School – Regina Santos, Assistant Directorby Terry SimpkinsColcha de retalhos Há uma crença popular que diz que o mineiro (pessoa proveniente do estado de Minas Gerais, no Brasil) tem sempre um desejo intrínseco de ir além da montanha, para desbravar o tesouro que fica do outro lado, além de seus horizontes. Sim, a montanha protege, acolhe e conforta, mas por outro lado…Continue Reading Portuguese School – Regina Santos, Assistant Director
- Spanish School – Roberto A. Véguez, William R. Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus of Spanishby Terry SimpkinsThe Spanish School In Its Second Century La Escuela Española comienza la primera sesión en su segundo siglo después de un verano de celebraciones de su centenario. Este nuevo siglo se abre con un nuevo nombre. Para poner el énfasis en el elemento común de las muchas culturas y los muchos países que abarcan los…Continue Reading Spanish School – Roberto A. Véguez, William R. Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus of Spanish
- Italian School – Mikaela Taylor ’15, 1st year graduate student in the Italian Schoolby Mikaela TaylorItalian School coordinator Joe Tamagni consistently, promptly, and thoroughly works with the College Archives to preserve the history of the Italian School for future generations. Nonostante la distanza tra il campus di Middlebury e la sede a Mills College in California, la Scuola Italiana vivrà per sempre a Middlebury, grazie in parte a Giuseppe Tamagni….Continue Reading Italian School – Mikaela Taylor ’15, 1st year graduate student in the Italian School
- French School – La vie en rose avec Sasha Contesse, Master Student in Frenchby Katrina SpencerIl m’a dit qu’il voulait passer sa vie avec moi. Il en était de même pour moi. La seule chose qui nous en empêchait : 9000 km, la distance qui nous séparait l’un de l’autre. Je terminais ma licence à l’Université de Southern California (USC) et il était à Los Angeles tout simplement pour faire…Continue Reading French School – La vie en rose avec Sasha Contesse, Master Student in French
- German School – Gyoonho Kong, Ph.D. Student at Princeton Universityby Katrina SpencerHallo! Ich heiße Gyoonho Kong, und komme aus Südkorea. Ich bin in Seoul geboren, und habe dort für 19 Jahre gelebt. Nach meinem Abitur bin ich nach die U.S.A. umgezogen, an Washington Universität in Saint. Louis zu studieren. Dort habe ich Germanistik, vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, und Lateinamerikanistik als meine Hauptfächer studiert. Danach habe ich für zwei…Continue Reading German School – Gyoonho Kong, Ph.D. Student at Princeton University
- Arabic School – David Cross, Master Program Alum ’17by Katrina Spencerكانت مكتبة كلية ميدلبري جزء لا يتجزأ من دراستي العربية ولعبت مصادرها بالعربية دوراً أساسياً في حصولي على الكفاءة اللغوية والثقافية. كنتُ طالب في المدرسة العربية في فيرمونت في 1999، 2004، و2006 و عملتُ معيداً هناك في 2007. ثم التحقتُ ببرنامج الماجستير في العربية في كاليفورنيا في عام 2014 وتخرّجتُ في 2017. كان مفيداً جداً…Continue Reading Arabic School – David Cross, Master Program Alum ’17
- 明德大学蒙特雷国际学院图书馆史迪威将军馆藏 – Peter Liu, Director, Middlebury Institute of International Studies Library, Monterey, CAby Terry Simpkins明德大学蒙特雷国际学院图书馆史迪威将军馆藏 2018.7.19 明德大学蒙特雷国际学院图书馆坐落在蒙特雷市和校园的中心,地址是凡。比瑞大街425号。图书馆建筑是20世纪钢铁大王安德鲁。卡莱基资助创建的加州第一个公共图书馆。这座1911年图书馆具有19世纪西班牙教堂式的建筑风格, 反映了曾经是加州首府的蒙特雷市的西班牙和墨西哥文化历史。 明德大学蒙特雷国际学院的校徽(见图)就是由图书馆,地球和图书三个小图形组成。其意义非同凡响,可见一斑。 蒙特雷国际学院创建于1955年,原名是蒙特雷外国语学院。1961年校方买下这幢两层的图书馆建筑。随着学校的不断发展, 图书馆也在不停的扩建。其中包括旧金山的威廉姆。特。科门基金会和洛杉矶的乔恩基金会的资助。 蒙特雷国际学院图书馆有一个著名的史迪威将军馆藏, 来自这位美国陆军四星将军家庭的私人图书收藏。主要由150本中英文图书组成,内容侧重于中美在二次世界大战时期的历史。 史迪威将军热爱中国文化,讲流利的中文。这个特殊馆藏反映了图书馆的丰富的国际教育信息和资源。 史迪威将军馆藏包括一座史迪威将军铜像,和即将安装的一个史迪威将军奖学金的著名捐赠人的纪念铜牌标志 (见图)。 为了纪念史迪威将军对中美友谊的工哦你贡献,学校每年提供3名以史迪威将军命名的奖学金名额。30年来,有40余名来自中国的学生成为了史迪威奖学金的研究生。今年春季,一名前奖学金校友也回报当年的资助,进一步扩大了奖学金的范围。 该毕业生现在北京开设了一家中美风投基金。 值得一提的是学院目前在校的700名研究生的1/7是来自中国。这里的高级翻译学院举世闻名。学院图书馆的丰富中英文馆藏也为翻译的教学和科研提供了强有力的支持和不断发展的基础。并被翻译界认为是世界上首屈一指的大学图书馆。该图书馆的资源可以从这里链接上进行中文,拼音和英文的多语种查询。 General Stilwell Collection at Middlebury Institute Library in Monterey July 19, 2018 The Middlebury Institute Library is located in the center of campus, at 425 Van Buren Street in Monterey. The building was originally an Andrew Carnegie library, built in the…Continue Reading 明德大学蒙特雷国际学院图书馆史迪威将军馆藏 – Peter Liu, Director, Middlebury Institute of International Studies Library, Monterey, CA
- More After This Commercial Breakby Katrina SpencerAnd now for a word from your sponsor! I wanted to take a moment in this very special issue of the libraries’ newsletter to highlight my favorite part of our collections, the foreign language browsing collection. Featuring eight of the 11 languages taught at the Language Schools, the foreign language browsing collection is available year-round…Continue Reading More After This Commercial Break
- Patron Privacy in the Age of Big Databy Michael RoyDean of Libraries Mike Roy discusses privacy, big data and how we can be smarter users of technology services where we, the consumers, are the product….Continue Reading Patron Privacy in the Age of Big Data
- Behind the Scenes at the Spring Student Symposiumby Katrina SpencerBrian Foley, ITS Senior Technology Specialist, talks about some of the technology preparation involved with the annual Spring Student Symposium…Continue Reading Behind the Scenes at the Spring Student Symposium
- Outreach For Diversityby Carrie MacfarlaneLibrary outreach to connect our collections and services with all library users is important to us as librarians and as members of this campus community….Continue Reading Outreach For Diversity
- Finicky Readerby Daniel Houghton
- Faculty Profile — Jason Grantby Katrina SpencerIn each issue of Keywords, we profile a faculty member who makes innovative use of the library and/or academic technology. This issue features Jason Grant, Instructor in Computer Science….Continue Reading Faculty Profile — Jason Grant
- What Are You Reading And Why?by Katrina SpencerBook reviews by three undergraduate students at Middlebury College: Vee Duong, Van-Giang Nguyen and Wengel Kifle….Continue Reading What Are You Reading And Why?
- Et Al.by Katrina Spencerfat ‘n’ hairy: ways i’m failing the patriarchy: This interactive display was stationed in the Davis Family Library atrium from April 16th- 23rd. Chellis House-Women’s Resource Center monitors collaborated in developing the project which allowed Middlebury community members to reply to the question, “How are you failing the patriarchy?” Find photos on Facebook. On A Real…Continue Reading Et Al.
- Rachel Roseman, the CCE, P&P and the LSAT!by Katrina SpencerRachel Roseman is an AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer (2017- 2018) at the Center for Community Engagement at Middlebury College. Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer poses some questions and has Rachel share on the Privilege & Poverty Academic Cluster and balancing core duties with creative projects….Continue Reading Rachel Roseman, the CCE, P&P and the LSAT!
- Staff Profile – Ryan Clementby Mikaela TaylorProfile of Data Services Librarian, Ryan Clement …Continue Reading Staff Profile – Ryan Clement
- Historic Folk Music Archive Gets 21st Century Updateby Mikaela TaylorHelen Hartness Flanders Ballad Collection (HHFBC), one of the important holdings in Middlebury College’s Special Collections, is one of the nation’s great archival collections of New England folksong, folklore, and balladry….Continue Reading Historic Folk Music Archive Gets 21st Century Update
- Student Profile – Mary Baillieby Janine McDonaldIn each issue of Keywords, we profile one of the many student assistants who help make the Middlebury Libraries run smoothly. This issue features Mary Baillie, who works at the Circulation Desk at Davis Family Library….Continue Reading Student Profile – Mary Baillie
- Celebrating Ovid in the Library March 5thby Mikaela TaylorPublius Ovidius Naso, fondly known as Ovid, died in exile about 2,000 years ago. Since, his most influential work, the Metamorphoses, has served as a source and inspiration to authors and artists from Shakespeare, Chaucer, and Milton to Dante, Boccaccio, and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. In recognition of Ovid’s 2,000 year legacy, a lecture and reading will be…Continue Reading Celebrating Ovid in the Library March 5th
- Student Profile – Jason Meuseby Terry SimpkinsIn each issue of Keywords, we profile one of the many student assistants who help make the Middlebury Libraries run smoothly. This issue features Jason Meuse, ’18, who works at the Circulation Desk at Davis Family Library….Continue Reading Student Profile – Jason Meuse
- Free as a Free Kitten: What is the Price of Open?by Michael RoySupporting the open access movement is vital for the future health of academic libraries, but how do we balance this support with the need to, at least in the short run, continue to provide access to the paid subscription journals that faculty, students, and researchers still value highly?…Continue Reading Free as a Free Kitten: What is the Price of Open?
- Meet the DLA’s New Associate Director of the Digital Liberal Arts Initiative, Michael Kramerby Katrina SpencerWe catch up with Michael Kramer, the new Director of the Digital Liberal Arts Initiative….Continue Reading Meet the DLA’s New Associate Director of the Digital Liberal Arts Initiative, Michael Kramer
- Notes to Selfby Daniel Houghton
- “Game Changers” on display this Springby Mikaela TaylorFun and games in the library! The spring exhibit by Special Collections, Game Changers, focuses on vintage entertainments from the 19th- and 20th-centuries, exploring their historical significance as cultural artifacts and technologies of yore. From innovations in printing and manufacturing to technological advancements in media and the changing landscape of popular culture, these relics of entertainment offer historical…Continue Reading “Game Changers” on display this Spring
- What Are You Reading And Why?by Terry SimpkinsFormer Middlebury College librarian Joanne Schneider, recent graduate Milo Stanley, and current Middlebury librarian Katrina Spencer share what they are currently reading….Continue Reading What Are You Reading And Why?
- Et Al.by Katrina SpencerCelebrating Black History Month: Check out the Davis Family Library’s 2018 Black History Month display of books, CDs, DVDs, and podcast recommendations! See more at go/bhmdigital/. For the slides used in Black History Month Jeopardy, visit this site for round one and this site for round two. Hair Me Out is a Davis Family Library…Continue Reading Et Al.
- Adventures in Armstrongby Wendy ShookScience Data Librarian Wendy Shook provides an update on activities at Armstrong Library in Bicentennial Hall. This library serves the sciences including biology, chemistry, neuroscience, and psychology….Continue Reading Adventures in Armstrong
- Faculty Profile — Matthew Taylorby Katrina SpencerIn this issue of Keywords, we feature Dr. Matthew Taylor, Visiting Assistant Professor of Music, who is in his 1st year at the College. The questions are posed by Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer….Continue Reading Faculty Profile — Matthew Taylor
- Staff Profile – Patrick Wallaceby Terry SimpkinsIn each issue of Keywords, we profile a staff member who works in the library or a related department. This issue features our Digital Projects and Archives Librarian, Patrick Wallace. Greetings, Patrick. How did you come to be interested in working in libraries? What type(s) of work does your job entail? In retrospect, librarianship was…Continue Reading Staff Profile – Patrick Wallace
- New Realities In The Libraryby Joseph AntonioliDuring the Fall 2017 semester Academic Technology, Borrowing Services, and Media Services piloted a virtual reality set up on the Library to support Professor Patricia Saldarriaga’s FYSE 1500A: Apocalyptic Representations class. The course explored theories and representations of “apocalyptic imagination” across many forms of media, including virtual reality. On Thursday, December 14th, students from the…Continue Reading New Realities In The Library
- DIY Bookmaking is back this J-Term!by Mikaela TaylorVinyl records are so 2010. Special Collections bookmaking gurus are back to celebrate the millennium renaissance of audio cassette tapes, those small, plastic, blasts from the past. We’ll provide vintage cassette tapes and you will go home with a hand-sewn, blank notebook with covers fashioned out of “upcycled” audio tapes. Low fidelity, high reward. All…Continue Reading DIY Bookmaking is back this J-Term!
- Digital Fluency and the Libraryby Michael RoyAt Middlebury, our new strategic plan calls for us to move in the direction of cultivating digital fluency and critical engagement. As we consider the outsized role of technology in our current age, the time is right for us to directly engage in helping our students (and ourselves) understand not only how modern technology functions, but also how to think critically about the kind of world we want to create….Continue Reading Digital Fluency and the Library
- What Are You Reading and Why?by Katrina SpencerThis month, we offer book reviews by Shenisis Kirkland, a second-year student at Middlebury, a Brooklyn native and a student staff representative at the Anderson Freeman Center; Hector Vila, who has taught in the Writing Program at Middlebury College for more than 10 years and regularly publishes his writing on The Policy; and Jeff Rehbach,…Continue Reading What Are You Reading and Why?
- An Age-Old Questionby Daniel Houghton(Why?!! indeed! Click on the image to find out!)…Continue Reading An Age-Old Question
- Student Profile – Jasmine Craneby Janine McDonaldIn each issue of Keywords, we profile one of the many student assistants who help make the Middlebury Libraries run smoothly. This issue features Jasmine Crane, who works at the Circulation Desk at Davis Family Library….Continue Reading Student Profile – Jasmine Crane
- Et Al.by Terry SimpkinsOdds and ends from around the library-verse……Continue Reading Et Al.
- Student Tutors Keep the CTLR Goingby Dan FrostmanNestled in the back of the main floor, the Center for Teaching, Learning and Research (CTLR) is, physically speaking, just a small part of the library. But despite its limited size, its reach extends into every conceivable area of campus. The Center hosts faculty development events almost every week, and every day student tutors run…Continue Reading Student Tutors Keep the CTLR Going
- Faculty Profile – Marissel Hernández-Romeroby Dan FrostmanIn each issue of Keywords, we profile a faculty member who makes innovative use of the library and/or academic technology. This issue features Dr. Marissel Hernández-Romero, Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, 2017-2020. The questions are posed by Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer. Name: Marissel Hernández-Romero Hometown: Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico Where are…Continue Reading Faculty Profile – Marissel Hernández-Romero
- New Equipment at the Circulation Deskby Janine McDonaldDid you know that, in addition to things like books, films, and music, the library also lends technology equipment? For example: • We have new MacBook Air laptops for students and faculty/staff. Student laptops must stay inside the Davis and Armstrong libraries. Faculty/Staff laptops are available for two-week loan periods. • USB-C Mac chargers and…Continue Reading New Equipment at the Circulation Desk
- Curating Diverse Collectionsby Carrie MacfarlaneIn the November 9 Community Conversation in Mead Chapel, a student, whose name I wish I knew, shared this quote: “You can’t be what you can’t see.” This student was advocating a more diverse faculty, a goal I endorse, and one I’d like to see extended towards staff. But I also appreciated hearing the quote…Continue Reading Curating Diverse Collections
- Staff Profile – Leanne Galletlyby Katrina SpencerIn each issue of Keywords, we profile a staff member who works in the library or a related department. This issue features our new User Experience and Digital Scholarship Librarian, Leanne Galletly. Hometown: Technically Mahwah, NJ, but I call Burlington home. Miss Leanne, welcome to campus! It is our understanding that you’re the new User…Continue Reading Staff Profile – Leanne Galletly
- Towards an Open Information Commonsby Michael RoyThe Middlebury College libraries work towards creating a shared scholarly information commons….Continue Reading Towards an Open Information Commons
- Staff Profile – Daniel Houghtonby Arabella HolzapfelIn each issue of Keywords, we profile a staff member who works in the library or related department. This issue features Arts Technology Specialist and Middlebury alum Daniel Houghton. What roles have you held at Middlebury ? Can you compare “then” and “now”? I attended Middlebury as an undergrad student. And after some time in…Continue Reading Staff Profile – Daniel Houghton
- Dima Ayoub, Paratexts, and the DLAby Katrina SpencerIn each issue of Keywords, we profile a faculty member who makes innovative use of the library and/or academic technology. This issue features Dima Ayoub, Assistant Professor of Arabic….Continue Reading Dima Ayoub, Paratexts, and the DLA
- Et Al.by Dan FrostmanOdds and ends from around the library-verse…Continue Reading Et Al.
- Music On The Goby Terry SimpkinsDid you know the library subscribes to several streaming music services you can listen to from anywhere, at any time?…Continue Reading Music On The Go
- UFO?by Daniel Houghton
- What are you reading and why?by Katrina SpencerClair Beltran, ’16, Dean of the College, and Peggy Burns, Director, Center for Careers and Internships share thoughts on works they’ve recently read….Continue Reading What are you reading and why?
- Spanish Centennial Exhibitby Mikaela TaylorThe Spanish Summer Language School celebration its 100th anniversary this summer, and the library joined in the celebration with a colorful display….Continue Reading Spanish Centennial Exhibit
- Database/Journal Review Updateby Douglas BlackDouglas Black, Collection Development librarian, provides an update on the recent journal/database review project….Continue Reading Database/Journal Review Update
- News From CTLRby Jim RalphJim Ralph, Dean Faculty Development/Research and Rehnquist Professor of American History and Culture, shares recent news from the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research….Continue Reading News From CTLR
- Student Profile – Miles Meijerby Janine McDonaldIn each issue of Keynotes, we profile one of the many student assistants who help make the Middlebury Libraries run smoothly. This issue features Miles Meijer, a Circulation Desk Student Employee and cross-country athlete….Continue Reading Student Profile – Miles Meijer
- What Are You Reading And Why?by Terry SimpkinsWelcome to our new column about books and reading. This month, Katrina Spencer and Kat Cyr, two of our newest library staff, talk to us about what’s on their reading lists. If you are also a member of the Middlebury community and interested in sharing a brief review of something you are reading these days, please email us!…Continue Reading What Are You Reading And Why?
- The Story of the Trailing Slashby Mateja Sela[Editor’s note: Everyone who comes to Middlebury College soon becomes familiar with “go links,” a service that allows you to quickly navigate to many Middlebury web pages simply by typing “go/” followed by a (usually intuitive) keyword. For example, go/library takes you to the Library home page. However, go links don’t work exactly the same…Continue Reading The Story of the Trailing Slash
- Library Exhibitionistsby Michael RoyYou may have noticed some different types of exhibits in the Davis Family Library lately. Our new Literatures & Cultures Librarian Katrina Spencer has launched a set of small displays visible just as you enter Davis Family Library. Last month we commemorated “Gaypril” featuring sex-positive books from across the cultural and sexual spectra, while this month’s display…Continue Reading Library Exhibitionists
- What’s Up With “My Books Smell Good.”by Rebekah IrwinLast summer, Special Collections & Archives rolled out new swag: black tote bags (er, book bags) and stickers emblazoned with the slogan My books smell good. First, we want to thank Carey Bass, Middlebury’s talented graphic designer, for the bold serif font and brash ending punctuation. But… “What does it mean?” (people have asked, with a skeptical…Continue Reading What’s Up With “My Books Smell Good.”
- Michaela Maxwellby Katrina SpencerIn this issue of Keywords, we profile one of the many students who travel abroad each year and use the Middlebury Libraries for their research. This issue features Michaela Maxwell ‘17.5, an International and Global Studies major from Los Angeles, CA. Where are you from and what’s your academic specialty? I’m from Santa Monica, California, majoring…Continue Reading Michaela Maxwell
- New Art, New Stoolby Joseph WatsonHave you noticed that there are new pieces of art hanging in Davis Family Library? These works are the result of a recent partnership between the Library and the Department of Studio Art. When Davis Family Library opened in 2004, the Committee on Art in Public Places and the Museum of Art installed several pieces…Continue Reading New Art, New Stool
- Happy 40th Birthday, Star Wars!by Daniel HoughtonOn May 25, 2017, about 2 weeks from now, one of the most iconic films in history will celebrate the 40th anniversary of its initial release. Happy birthday, Star Wars! (Psst: click on the image to find more Star Wars related works in the library’s holdings…)…Continue Reading Happy 40th Birthday, Star Wars!
- Kellam Ayres, Reserves Coordinator/BLSE liaisonby Janine McDonaldIn each issue of Keynotes, we profile a staff member who works in the library or other related department. This issue features Reserves Coordinator Kellam Ayres. Kellam is also an alum of, and now library liaison to, the Bread Loaf School of English (BLSE). Here, she talks about her role as liaison and her experiences…Continue Reading Kellam Ayres, Reserves Coordinator/BLSE liaison
- Oz Aloniby Katrina SpencerIn each issue of Keywords, we profile a faculty member who makes innovative use of the library and/or academic technology. This issue features Oz Aloni, Visiting Assistant Professor of Modern Hebrew. Where are you from and what’s your academic specialty? I’m from Jerusalem, Israel. I teach at the Modern Hebrew program at Middlebury. I’m a…Continue Reading Oz Aloni
- Hostage Negotiations with Homeland Security, or, Rare Book Buying, Italian Styleby Mikaela TaylorSpecial Collections visitors often ask how the rare books in our collection make their way onto our shelves, and indeed, the question of provenance is one of great importance in the world of antiquarian items. For the materials in Special Collections & Archives, the trajectories of their journeys range from rare books and maps donated…Continue Reading Hostage Negotiations with Homeland Security, or, Rare Book Buying, Italian Style
- The Importance of Being Openby Michael RoyThe library has just finished developing our budget proposal for next year. As part of the broad budget adjustments happening across the college, we submitted a budget that is 3% less than last year’s. Because the cost of library materials increases on average by 5% per year, a 3% reduction relative to last year could…Continue Reading The Importance of Being Open
- Katrina Spencerby Terry SimpkinsIn each issue of Keynotes, we profile a staff member who works in the library or other related department. This issue features Katrina Spencer, Literatures & Cultures Librarian, who joined the Library staff just this month. Place of Origin: Los Angeles, California (not Venice, Rodeo Drive, The Hills, Hollywood, Compton, Watts, East L.A., the Tar…Continue Reading Katrina Spencer
- Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) research toolsby Terry SimpkinsNow seems as appropriate a time as any to mention that Middlebury and MIIS students, faculty, and staff have access to the Digital National Security Archive, a database containing over 500,000 pages of declassified documents gathered through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This resource contains policy documents such as presidential memos, meeting notes,…Continue Reading Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) research tools
- Caitlin Myersby Michael RoyIn each issue of Keynotes, we profile a faculty member who makes innovative use of the library and/or academic technology. This issue features Caitlin Myers, Associate Professor of Economics and 2015-2016 Digital Liberal Arts Faculty Fellow. What is your current research project? I’m never working on just one thing! But if I can pull one…Continue Reading Caitlin Myers
- Sam Cartwrightby Rebekah IrwinIn each issue of Keynotes, we profile one of the many student assistants who help make the Middlebury Libraries run smoothly. This issue features one of our Library Assistants in Special Collections and Archives, Sam Cartwright. Where are you from? I was born and raised in Ogden, Utah. It’s in a beautiful location, has a…Continue Reading Sam Cartwright
- Canvasby Terry SimpkinsIn 2011, when Middlebury College adopted our previous learning management system (LMS) Moodle, we did so with the understanding that this decision would be revisited after 5 years. While relatively new at the time we adopted Moodle, Canvas emerged as a new force in the LMS field between 2011-2015, with over 1200 institutions implementing the…Continue Reading Canvas
- RIP NExpressby Terry SimpkinsWe are disappointed to share the news that 3 of the remaining 5 libraries are leaving NExpress (go\nexpress\) by summer 2017. This is likely the (hopefully temporary) end of what was a very successful 10-year venture by Middlebury into “do-it-yourself” interlibrary loan (ILL). Middlebury College became a member of the already-thriving NExpress consortium in 2007, joining…Continue Reading RIP NExpress
- Your Favorite Pop Culture Libraryby Amy FrazierEarlier this month, the Student Engagement Committee greeted incoming the Feb class with a poll asking: “What’s your favorite pop culture library?” We thought this would be both a fun way to link the Middlebury Libraries to the idea of the library in popular imagination, as well as an opportunity to test some new surveying…Continue Reading Your Favorite Pop Culture Library
- Zotero Workshopsby Wendy ShookThe Library will be holding a series of Zotero workshops for both faculty and students in late October – two in Davis Family Library and two in Armstrong Library. Sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/4pfIGIZ8a56FzB5b2 Zotero is a free, easy, and powerful citation management tool that can help scholars and researchers collect, organize, and annotate resources as…Continue Reading Zotero Workshops
- Self-Service Booking for Group Studiesby Carrie MacfarlaneMiddlebury students, faculty, and staff can now create their own reservations for the group study (150A-D, lower level) and video viewing rooms (240A-B, main level) in Davis Family Library. With our new booking system, you can easily make new reservations, view current reservations, and cancel or change existing reservation — all online. We are trying…Continue Reading Self-Service Booking for Group Studies
- Jim Ralphby Dan FrostmanIn each issue of this newsletter, we profile a faculty member who makes innovative use of the library and/or academic technology. This issue features Jim Ralph, Dean of Faculty Development & Research; Director of the Center for Teaching, Learning & Research; and Rehnquist Professor of American History & Culture in the History Department. What are…Continue Reading Jim Ralph
- Nemanja Stojanovicby Dan FrostmanIn each issue of this newsletter, we profile one of the many student assistants who help make the Middlebury Libraries run smoothly. This issue of our newsletter features one of our Library Assistants in the Discovery & Access Services area, Nemanja Stojanovic. Where are you from? Serbia. Why did you decide to come to Middlebury?…Continue Reading Nemanja Stojanovic
- A few words from Mikeby Michael RoyWelcome to the first issue of Keywords for the 2016-2017 academic year! As usual, it has been a busy summer here, with the libraries operating full-tilt year-round to support the Language Schools and Bread Loaf School of English. We have also begun to reimagine our physical spaces to meet evolving curricular needs and highlight new…Continue Reading A few words from Mike
- ICPSR – Sharing data to advance scienceby Ryan ClementThe Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) is one of the oldest and largest archives of social science data in the world. Founded in 1962, and hosted at the University of Michigan, staff at the ICPSR collect, curate, and make accessible more than 65,000 datasets for member organizations and the public at large….Continue Reading ICPSR – Sharing data to advance science
- Peep shows at Middleburyby Mikaela TaylorMiddlebury Libraries’ Special Collections & Archives has recently acquired some 19th-century European peep shows! Peep shows burst onto the European scene in 1825 with Austrian printer Heinrich Friedrich Müller’s first “Teleorama.” These tunnel viewers, constructed from folded paper, became immensely popular in Germany, Austria, France, and England. Special Collections is now the proud custodians of…Continue Reading Peep shows at Middlebury
- Janine McDonaldby Dan FrostmanIn each issue of this newsletter, we profile a staff member who works in the library or other related department. This issue features Janine McDonald, Circulation Services Specialist, whose voice you may have heard in the evenings as the library closes down. What type of work does your job entail? As a supervisor at the…Continue Reading Janine McDonald
- Most Popular CDsby Dan FrostmanHave you ever wondered which CDs are the most-used in the library’s collection of more than 21,000 CDs? Wonder no longer: 1. Regina Spektor: “Begin to Hope” / 67 circs 2. Bob Dylan: “Blonde on Blonde” / 65 circs 3. Sigur Ros: “Von” / 64 circs 4. Shins: “Chutes Too Narrow” / 63 circs 5….Continue Reading Most Popular CDs
- Casey O’Neill/Nicolette Amberby Janine McDonaldIn this issue of our newsletter, we are profiling two of the many student assistants who help make the Middlebury Libraries run smoothly. Both are student-athletes who work at the Davis Family Library circulation desk. Casey O’Neill is just concluding her first year at Middlebury, while senior Nicolette Amber is finishing her undergraduate career….Continue Reading Casey O’Neill/Nicolette Amber
- On Accessby Michael RoyAs we wrap up the academic year and head into summer, most of our undergraduates and many of our faculty head off to other locations across the country and across the globe, and we welcome a new set of students and faculty who join us for our language schools and our Bread Loaf School of English. It is during these transitions that I am particularly reminded of the need and challenges of providing access to the library’s collections. …Continue Reading On Access
- Mead Chapel turns 100by Mikaela Taylor2016 marks the centennial celebration of Mead Chapel, dedicated on June 18th, 1916. In 1914, former governor Dr. John Mead, class of 1864, fulfilled President Thomas’s desire for a space large enough to accommodate the entire student body and faculty, pledging $60,000 to construct Mead Chapel in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of his graduation from Middlebury….Continue Reading Mead Chapel turns 100
- Joseph Watsonby Terry SimpkinsIn each issue of this newsletter, we profile a staff member who works in the library or other related department. This issue features Joseph Watson, the Library’s Preservation Manager & Special Collections & Archives Associate. What type of work does your job entail? I oversee the preservation of the physical collections held by the libraries,…Continue Reading Joseph Watson
- Kanopy Streaming Videoby Amy FrazierDid you know that Midd Libraries provides the entire Middlebury community with access to thousands of movies, all available to stream instantly?…Continue Reading Kanopy Streaming Video
- Use BrowZine to keep up with new journal issuesby Stacy ReardonDo you wish there was an easier way to browse the latest issues from journals in your field? Would you like to be notified when new issues are published?…Continue Reading Use BrowZine to keep up with new journal issues
- Marybeth Nevinsby Rebekah IrwinIn each issue of this newsletter, we profile a faculty member who makes innovative use of the library or academic technology. This issue features Marybeth Nevins, Assistant Professor of Sociology/Anthropology What is your area of research? How did you come to be interested in this topic? I am a linguistic anthropologist and my broad research…Continue Reading Marybeth Nevins
- New Print Style for Class Rosters in Course Hubby Terry SimpkinsInstructors have been able to view class rosters in the Course Hub since 2011, a feature many have used to help learn students’ names or easily look up contact or other information. However, some instructors also wanted to bring hard-copies of the rosters with them to class, but, until now, the layout was not particularly…Continue Reading New Print Style for Class Rosters in Course Hub
- What Students Say About Researchby Carrie MacfarlaneLibrary research is sometimes like rounding the corner of a winding mountain path. The higher you climb, the more you realize how much there is to see. In a survey of last year’s incoming students, we noticed gaps between students’ perceptions of their abilities and their actual knowledge and skills. For example, only 50% of…Continue Reading What Students Say About Research
- Historic Saudi Arabian Room Revivedby Mikaela TaylorWhen Tillinghast Professor of Religion Shalom Goldman heard mention of a mysterious room that used to exist in Starr Library, he knew to turn to Special Collections….Continue Reading Historic Saudi Arabian Room Revived
- The Library, Wellness, and Campus Transformationsby Michael RoyThe recent visit by Alex Pang to talk about rest and contemplative computing was an opportunity for us in the library to consider some of the important ideas that Pang discusses in his work….Continue Reading The Library, Wellness, and Campus Transformations
- Greg Vitercikby Terry SimpkinsIn each issue of this newsletter, we profile a faculty member who makes innovative use of the library or academic technology. This issue features Greg Vitercik, Professor of Music. What is your area of research focus? How did you come to be interested in this/these topic? The philosophical and political influences that shape Richard Wagner’s…Continue Reading Greg Vitercik
- Research Guides Get an Upgrade!by Stacy ReardonOur online research guides (go/guides) are curated by Middlebury librarians to help you find the best materials in your subject area or discipline. This spring, we are rolling out an update that should make our guides even easier to use. They will have a cleaner look and a mobile-friendly interface. Whether you’re researching a topic…Continue Reading Research Guides Get an Upgrade!
- Douglas Blackby Terry SimpkinsIn each issue of this newsletter, we profile a staff member who works in the library or other related department. This issue features Douglas Black ’86, who works in the Discovery and Access Services area of the library, and graduated from Middlebury with an degree in English. What Library department do you work in? I’m…Continue Reading Douglas Black
- Citations, Courtesy of Summonby Carrie MacfarlaneSave yourself the time of typing a bibliography from scratch. Summon (go.middlebury.edu/summon) can create citations for you. When you click on the small arrow to the right of each title in a Summon results list, a window with additional information will appear on the right-hand side. Click on the “Cite” button at the top of…Continue Reading Citations, Courtesy of Summon
- Most Popular DVDsby Dan FrostmanEver wonder what the most popular movies are that the library owns? Well, we did, and here’s what we found:…Continue Reading Most Popular DVDs
- Searching For Just Videos, Books, or Articlesby Carrie MacfarlaneSometimes, you don’t need it all. Use the Library Quick Search box at go.middlebury.edu/lib to find exactly what you’re looking for. If you want a DVD, click on the “Videos” tab. For a book, go to “MIDCAT+” (bonus tip: on the MIDCAT results page, it’s now possible to narrow your list to popular books by…Continue Reading Searching For Just Videos, Books, or Articles