Cooking with Kendall


As a 20-year-old, I have been told several times that I am an adult, but up until this weekend I had yet to fend for myself. My roommate went to New York for the weekend and, like the adult that I am, instead of sleeping in my house alone, I stayed at a friend’s house. Considering that there is no meal plan at my friend’s house, we realized that we would actually have to feed ourselves. So, I took on the task of making my own chicken (my friend is a vegetarian so she was absolutely no help). Luckily I was successful in making my own dinner; I did not contract food poisoning, nor did I have to lie to the cook about how tasty the meal was. Overall I’d say cooking with Kendall was a success–if anyone needs someone to make dinner, let me know!**

(photo evidence below)

Kendall Dinner

**edits provided by Sam Prouty





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