

Weast_vs_west_logo__by_turboman1hen I came to the east coast from the west coast I knew that there might be differences in culture, lifestyles, expectations, and experiences. What I didn’t think about was food. I figured that the food here would be similar to back home. To some extent it IS the same. Both the east and west coast share some of the same types of food, restaurants, and manners. There are, however, major differences. Cooking styles, types of foods, and names are just a few I can list off of the top of my head. Climates, crops, etc. determine what kinds of food are available to use and eat. Here in Vermont soft serve is called a creemee. New York style pizza is extremely different from pizza in Oregon. Back home there are some really great authentic Mexican restaurants. Vermont has apple cider doughnuts. I hadn’t ever been to a Dunkin’ Donuts until I came to the east coast. The list goes on and on.VeneziasNewYorkStyePizzaPhoenixArizona

The differences in food is mind-blowing. It makes me glad that I came to the east coast. I love to understand another lifestyle and to notice differences and similarities within my own country. Because Middlebury College brings in students from all over the country (and the world) it has its own unique blend of cultures, foods, and perspectives. What is funny is how similar Middlebury feels to the west coast and yet, how different. It is always exciting to compare experiences and to share perspectives and types of food. While I might become homesick for Moe’s Clam Chowder (a small Oregon chain that you should try) or my mom’s homemade cooking, it is definitely a treat to try new things!

page013webresOh, and a side note: if you are from the east coast there is a lot unique to Vermont. Check out other posts by summer interns to learn more! Also, if you are here in town you should definitely go to Noonie’s Deli. It is a wonderful place to grab a sandwich! Daria and I recommend Purple’s Pleasure.

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