Hot Seat?


Just like when I was in high school, summer offers a change of pace. Everything feels more relaxed. I’m not working on homework assignments or rushing from one activity to the next, and I can take lots of time to enjoy the moments. Two days ago I swung on the swing-set outside of Twilight Hall for about an hour, and last night I stayed up with friends. We played Hot Seat, which is a question and answer game. Answers to the questions varied and they gave insight into each member of the group. It was really neat to learn more about the experiences of my peers, and to realize just how much I have been shaped by the Middlebury community.

It is strange to think that I’ve only been at Middlebury for ten months. I feel like I have changed and grown an incredible amount. Even being here in the office over the summer has shaped me. I enjoy the learning process and I am glad to be surrounded by wonderful people and thought-provoking discussions. Part of the college selection process is thinking about the community that you will be surrounded by. I absolutely love the inclusive, open, and accepting environment here at Middlebury!

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