Having Fun Isn’t Hard When You’ve Got a Library Card



Ilsley Public Library is the town of Middlebury’s own library aside from the Davis Family Library on our campus. This weekend, no longer interested in being held back by the limited teen fiction section at Davis, I ventured into Ilsley. And got a library card. I am officially licensed to get books from the library. As you can tell I am very excited. It’s not like I participated in any other fun activities this weekend like going swimming at Dog Team or anything. Books come first.

The Ilsley Public Library is a beautiful place and during the year I normally use it as a nice place to study in town. It’s quiet and has a multitude of hidden study nooks and spaces. It is also only a ten minute walk from campus and in terms of contemporary novels it also offers more variety than our on-campus library.

The main take away from this is that if you want unlimited access to books (for FREE) get a library card. Especially in the summer when you have all the time in the world to read.

“Having fun isn’t hard when you’ve got a library card.” – Arthur the Aardvark

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