International Education Day For High School Students!

The Office of Student Services, in conjunction with Peter Shaw and other student and staff facilitators, will host an International Education Day on Friday, November 21st. Our mission is to celebrate the benefits of international education and foster interest in international education in the younger generation. We will do this by introducing and exposing a group of 60 local high school students to the international environment that makes up the Monterey Institute community’s daily lives and by sharing insights of the international experience. We plan to have a fun-filled morning of interactive activities exclusively for these high school students.

Additional Funding Available for Continuing Students

Additional Funding Available for Continuing Students

Limited funds have been made available for the Fall of 2008/Spring of 2009 for continuing students.

These funds will be awarded on the basis of merit, levels of educational debt and financial need.

Applications must be submitted via email ( to the Office of Student Financial Planning.

The deadline to apply is 4:00pm Friday, October 17, 2008.

Any student meeting the following criteria is eligible to apply:

a) Must have a Minimum Cumulative GPA of 3.4 at the Monterey Institute

b) Must be a full-time student

c) Must demonstrate evidence of financial need and/or high levels of existing educational debt

-US Citizens and Permanent Residents need to complete the 2008 FAFSA

d) Students already receiving scholarships and/or grants of $10,000 or more are not eligible to apply.

International Students are eligible to apply if they meet the above criteria, with the exception of having to complete the 2008 FAFSA.

To apply, please describe in 400 words why you feel you are deserving of additional funding to complete your education.

Students will be notified via email no later Friday, October 24.


Regina Garner

Director, Office of Student Financial Planning Monterey Institute of International Studies An affiliate of Middlebury College 460 Pierce Street Monterey, CA 93940

(831)647-4119 Phone
(831)647-6685 Fax

President Yu’s Office Hours

Faculty, Staff, and Students of the Monterey Institute:

President Clara Yu will hold open office hours on Tuesday, October 7 from 12:00PM – 2:00PM here in the President’s Office of the Segal Building. In order to maximize the allotted time, individual meetings will be scheduled with her for every 15 minutes on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have a desire to meet with Clara, please e-mail me, with the time that might work best for you during the two-hour period. I will then respond confirming your scheduled time.


Barbara Burke
Executive Assistant to the President

Graduate Writing Center Opening

Graduate Writing Center Grand Opening!

October 1, 2008

  • The GWC is re-opening this semester with extended hours and extended services!
  • The GWC offers free professional tutoring by trained tutors!
  • In addition to English writing tutoring, the GWC now offers writing tutoring in Spanish, French, and Arabic!

Hours of Operation:

Monday-Thursday 3-8

Friday 10-2

French appointments: Wednesday 5-8 pm; Friday 1-2

Spanish appointments: Tuesday 5-8 pm; Friday 10-1

Arabic appointments: Monday 5-8 pm; Thursday 3-6 pm

To Sign up for an appointment, visit the GWC adjacent to the Simoneau House. You may sign up for an appointment using the sign-up sheet hanging near the door.


Announcing the 2008-2009 Student Council!

Seda Savas, President
Trevor McNeil, Vice President
Luke Smith, Treasurer
Lauren Messing, Secretary
Jonathan Banco, 2nd Year IPS
Luniya Msuku, 1st Year IPS
Lauren Wygonski, 2nd Year ITP
Alex Rankin, 1st Year ITP
Jennifer Schneider, 2nd Year MBA
Bulbul Ahammed, 1st Year MBA
Antia Collazo Ageitos, 2nd Year T&I
Jung Han, 1st Year T&I
Addi Rose Matthews, 2nd Year MPA
David “Doc” Reichbaum, 1st Year MPA
Jessica Matzen, 1st Year LEL
Jacqueline Gaskill, 2nd Year IEP
Shawn Dillard, 1st Year IEP
Allison Ford, ETF Co-Chair
Emily Sloane, ETC Co-Chair
Chris Hucke, Social Activities Chair

Message to Students From President Yu

Dear Noel and other interested students,

Following the conversation in this conference, it seems that some clarification is in order.

1. The MBA degree will continue.

2. The reorganization does not put the AACSB accreditation in jeopardy. We have already had preliminary conversations with AACSB, have notified them of our upcoming merger with Middlebury, and have started proceedings to request a substantive change that would officially transfer accreditation to Middlebury upon the completion of the merger in 2010. AACSB personnel have expressed an eagerness to work with us, as they, like we, are interested in the outcome of a rigorous and vital business program.

3. Current students will have the same curriculum, the same degree, and the same accreditation.

4. The two school model of administrative organization does not preclude any program being appropriately distinguished by specific admissions requirements or degree requirements, or the engagement of appropriately qualified faculty in curricular decision making. Nor does it preclude program-specific data collection, resource allocation, or tracking of expenditures.

5. Attached aacsb_standards are the AACSB accreditation standards, for those who are Interested. They are focused on program quality, not administrative structure. As they state, “The administrative structure within which the programs are offered is at the discretion of the institution. While no particular administrative structure is mandated, the organizational structure and procedures must foster strategic management and continuous improvement.”

I hope you will bring your concerns to the student Town Hall meeting on September 25, and that you will engage with us in planning to strengthen the curriculum, and expand and deepen our services to students.

Clara Yu

Message from Clara Yu and Sunder Ramaswamy

To:       Members of the Monterey Institute of International Studies Community

From:   Clara Yu, President; Sunder Ramaswamy, President Designate

Date:    September 15, 2008


We are writing to share with you our plans to continue developing The Monterey Institute’s role and stature as a leader and innovator in international education. 



As you may recall, in October of 2006, the Institute adopted an ambitious 4-year strategic plan to achieve academic excellence, financial sustainability, and global prominence.  Strengthened by its affiliation with Middlebury College, the Institute moved quickly in the first year of the plan’s implementation to improve its infrastructure, increase its recruitment and advancement efforts, and place itself on a sound financial footing.


Last year saw accelerated progress. An Academic Excellence Task Force (AETF) was convened to explore the intersection of the Institute’s strengths and the world’s needs, and refine areas of curricular focus to strengthen the Institute’s leadership role in international education.


The AETF issued its report in January 2008, mapping out the curricular foci, student learning outcomes, and pedagogical principles upon which to build a unique educational model at the Institute: the Monterey Way 2.0. Underlying the report was a strong belief that the Institute as a whole needed to overcome inherent structural and cultural obstacles that had resulted in operating inefficiencies and limited opportunities for our students.


Integration with Middlebury College

The decision to integrate the Institute into Middlebury College has been approved by both Boards, with a projected closing date of June 30, 2010. The Institute will operate within Middlebury’s single 501(c) (3) corporation, while maintaining autonomy in critical areas such as academic operations, the curriculum, admissions, financial aid policy, degree requirements, compensation, and the hiring, evaluation, and promotion of faculty.


We have worked with the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC), and the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) to ensure the smooth transition of the Monterey Institute to NEASC accreditation as part of Middlebury College. In the spring of 2008, the College submitted a petition for substantive change to NEASC, indicating its intention to integrate the Monterey Institute of International Studies and Middlebury College into a single institution of higher education. In July, each campus received an official NEASC visit to gather the information required to act on this petition, the first step toward joint accreditation. We expect to receive a positive response in the spring of 2009.


Academic Excellence and Reorganization

Last Spring, following the AETF report, faculty members submitted over thirty proposals for new courses that cross school and disciplinary boundaries. Thanks to tremendous effort on the part of faculty, ten of these were ready for the academic year 2008-09.  However, we also realized that in order to fully realize the promise of Monterey Way 2.0. and ensure the highest quality curricular and research collaborations over the longer-term,   we would need to find a superior operating model for the Institute. It became clear that the existing four-school model is not optimal or consistent with our future vision.


At the June Board meeting, we presented a confidential draft of a reorganization plan to the trustees. This plan represents our judgment regarding the structure that would best facilitate the implementation of the Academic Excellence recommendations, and create a seamless experience for students as they navigate the broader curricular and career options available to them in a more integrated academic environment. The proposed structure was favorably received by the trustees, who instructed us to share the reorganization plan with the Institute community, firm up the details, and present the plan for final approval in October, and for implementation during the academic year 2009-10.~


This new organizational structure includes the following elements:


(1) The President of the Institute will report both to the Monterey Institute Board and to the Middlebury President. The President will, in turn, have five direct reports: a provost; and four executive directors in charge of advancement, communications, finance and business operations, and planning and special projects, along with an executive assistant.


(2) The administration of academic programs will be organized in two schools:

                  * The Graduate School of International Policy and Management

                  * The Graduate School of Translation, Interpretation, and Language Education


Each school will have a dean who will, assisted by department chairs, oversee the faculty and curricula of the school. The boundaries between these two newly configured schools will be deliberately porous.


There will also be a dean of advising, who will oversee a suite of coordinated services that provide advising, mentoring, and career development to students in all programs. This will place more emphasis on students’ needs and interests, helping them to navigate through a more open curriculum, leading to optimal career opportunities as well-informed professionals.


(3) Within the context and time frame of this reorganization, our intention is to retain and strengthen current curricular offerings, not to eliminate them. To this end, while our academic programs will continue to evolve, as they have in the past, the Institute will keep its existing programs intact during this reorganization period.



Creating a new vision for the Institute is exciting and energizing; implementing it will require all of us to be thoughtful, flexible, and focused on the strategic interests of the Institute as a whole.


We appreciate your active participation and contributions. We invite you to join us for a Town Hall meeting for faculty and staff on Thursday, September 18.  Another Town Hall meeting is scheduled for students on September 25. Both meetings will take place in Irvine Auditorium from 12:15 to 1:45 p.m.


If, as you think about the information we have provided above, you wish to submit questions anonymously and in advance, you can place your questions in the special boxes at the Library circulation desk. You may also submit questions via email to We will, of course, entertain questions in person at both meetings.


We look forward to hearing your thoughts, and engaging in constructive dialogue.

Windows to the World: A Cultural Education Film Symposium


On October 16 – 19, the Monterey Institute, NPS, and DLI will be co-sponsoring Windows to the World: A Cultural  Education Film Symposium.

Films will be shown at the following locations during the Symposium:


Thursday, October 16:  DLI

Friday, October 17:  Community event at the Golden State Theater on Alvarado Street in downtown Monterey Saturday, October 18:  NPS Sunday, October 19:  MIIS


I am including a flyer for the event windows-handout-9-10-08 and additional information can be found at [



Please note that registration for the films that you are interested in will be helpful.  NPS and DLI require gate access, so registering to attend any of the films shown on those campuses will be necessary and make entering their facility easier.

The October 17 event at the Golden State Theater is open to the public.


Four films will be shown at the Monterey Institute on Sunday, October 19 – two at 1PM and two at 3:30PM, which will likely be the most convenient for MIIS community members to attend.  There will be a 15 minute introduction by a faculty expert for each film, followed by a 30 minute discussion.

There will also be a reception at the end of the last set of movies.


We are looking forward to a successful event and hope to see you there!