Author Archives: Gail Lu

About Gail Lu

My name is Gail (Florence) Lu and I am Coordinator of Student Services at the Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Interested in organic produce delivered to you at MIIS? CSA Returns!

Thanks to Max Perelman for this message about organic produce delivered to MIIS

CSA is back!  Weekly Thursday deliveries to the porch of Student Affairs of fresh picked organic produce (and flowers) is happening MARCH 19 – please sign up!  (5% DISCOUNT if you pay by Feb 16)

To sign up, contact Two Small Farms:

Cost is $20/week for a box. There are enough veggies in a box for two vegetarians / week.  This is by far the cheapest way to eat local and organic.

– But I want to support the Farmers’ Market…great!  The CSA boxes are mostly veggies so I buy my fruit, nuts, extra veggies, and snacks at the market.
– But I can’t choose what’s in the box…. Right, you only get what is perfectly ripe (picked that morning) and it comes with recipes!

CSA means “Community Supported Agriculture”. You pay up front and then receive produce throughout the season.  This provides local growers with much needed capital, while spreading the risk across the community. Buying CSA is the perfect way to vote with your wallet and support local organic farmers.

Here’s how it works:
– Call or email Two Small Farms and say, “I want to order a CSA box to be delivered to MIIS.”
– Then send them a check or give them your creditcard info – they have starter plans of 2 months…the season extends to November and then starts up again in the Spring. You get a discount if you buy the whole season.
– Stop by the porch of Student Affairs (across from the president’s
office) from 11:00am-Thursday to pick up your huge bag of goodies.  There will be a newsletter included with lots of great recipes and info on what you’re getting.  Much of the veggies are ancient varietals that will impress your friends!
– Fold up the box and wait for next week.
– If you forget to pick up your box or can’t pick it up some week then email/call Max Perelman at (831-917-7641).  If you don’t let him know then your box is “fair game” come Friday morning and Max will distribute the contents to starving students and pale-looking staff around campus.

Mentee Positions still available, MAP Peer Mentor Program, Spring 2009

Dear incoming  and first year Monterey Institute students,
Are you interested in having a peer mentor for the Spring 2009 semester? There are still some mentee positions available in the MAP Peer Mentor Program for Spring 2009.
The mentee positions that are still available are:

International  Trade Policy (ITP): 3 positions
MBA:  5 positions
Masters of Public Administration in International Management (MPA): 3 positions

*Please note: mentee positions for academic  programs not listed above have been filled at this time.*

Please remember, space in the program is limited and mentorships are first come first serve.
If you are interested in having a peer mentor for spring 2009, please apply online at no later than Wednesday, January 28th so that you can be matched with a mentor.
Please apply as soon as possible before January 28th due to the limited number of mentee positions that are still available.
If you have any questions please let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you as well as hoping to have you as a participant of the MAP Peer Mentor Program for Spring 2009!
Best regards,
Gail Lu
Coordinator of Student Services

Update: MAP Peer Mentor Program mentee positions still available!

Dear incoming and first year Monterey Institute students,

Here is another update on the number of mentee positions that the MAP Peer Mentor Program currently has available for Spring 2009.

International Trade Policy (ITP): 7 positions

MBA: 6  positions

Translation and Interpretation (TI): 1 position

Masters of Public Administration in International Management (MPA): 4 positions (2 of which can be PCMI oriented)

*Please note: mentee positions for the IEP, IPS, TESOL and TFL programs have been filled at this time.*

Please remember, space in the program is limited and mentorships are first come first serve.

If you are interested in having a peer mentor for spring 2009, please apply online at no later than Tuesday, January 20th so that we can begin the matching process and match you with a mentor.

Please apply as soon as possible before January 20th due to the limited number of mentee positions that are available.

If you have any questions please let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you as well as hoping to have you as a participant of the MAP Peer Mentor Program for Spring 2009!

Best regards,

Gail Lu
Coordinator of Student Services and MAP Peer Mentor Program

Update: MAP Peer Mentor Program, Spring 2009 Mentee Positions

Dear incoming and first year Monterey Institute students,


Here is an update on the number of mentee positions that the MAP Peer Mentor Program currently has available for Spring 2009.


International Environmental Policy (IEP):  2 positions

International Trade Policy (ITP): 7 positions

MBA: 8 positions

Translation and Interpretation (TI): 1 position

Masters of Public Administration in International Management (MPA): 4 positions (2 of which can be PCMI oriented)


*Please note: mentee positions for the IPS, TESOL and TFL programs have been filled at this time.*


Please remember, space in the program is limited and mentorships are first come first serve. 


If you are interested in having a peer mentor for spring 2009, please apply online at no later than Friday, January 16th so that we can begin the matching process and match you with a mentor.


Please apply as soon as possible before January 16th due to the limited number of mentee positions that are available.


If you have any questions please let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you as well as hoping to have you as a participant of the MAP Peer Mentor Program for Spring 2009!


Best regards,



Coordinator of Student Services and the MAP Peer Mentor Program

MAP Peer Mentor Program: Now Accepting Mentee Applications for Spring 2009

Dear incoming and first year MIIS Students,

The MAP Peer Mentor Program currently has the following number of Spring 2009 mentee positions available for the following graduate programs:


International Environmental Policy (IEP): 4 positions

International Policy Studies (IPS): 8 positions

International Trade Policy (ITP): 7 positions

TESOL: 1 position

TFL: 1 position

MBA: 9 positions

Translation and Interpretation (TI): 2 positions

Masters of Public Administration in International Management (MPA): 6 positions (2 of which can be PCMI oriented)


Space in the program is limited and mentorships are first come first serve. 


If you are interested in having a peer mentor for spring 2009, please apply online at no later than Friday, January 16th so that we can begin the matching process and match you with a mentor.


Please apply as soon as possible before January 16th due to the limited number of mentee positions that are available.


If you have any questions please let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you as well as hoping to have you as a participant of the MAP Peer Mentor Program.


Best regards,


Gail Lu

Coordinator of Student Services & the MAP Peer Mentor Program

Be a Peer Mentor for Spring 2009!

The MAP Peer Mentor Program is looking for more mentors…

Apply now to be a mentor for spring 2009!

Mentor applications are available online at

Please apply no later than Friday, January 9, 2009

About the MAP Peer Mentor Program

Who we are: Current students (who have been at MIIS one semester or more)
mentoring new incoming and first year students.

What we do: Establish peer mentoring relationships to support new student
transition and encourage professional networking, information sharing,
friendships and community. Read more about us on our blog at
website at

Contact Information: Gail Lu, Coordinator of Student Services, at or 831.647.3586.

Upcoming TOEFL iBT Sessions next spring

Please open the following file link for printable detailed information about
upcoming TOEFL iBT sessions next spring.


Location: Monterey Institute of International Studies – Pacific Lab (CF442)

Dates:  Friday, January 23, 2009
                Saturday, February 21, 2009
                Saturday, March 21, 2009
                NO APRIL DATE
                Saturday, May 9, 2009
                Friday, June 12, 2009

Times:  9am – 1pm

Cost:           $150

You can register by using this

Note:   Registration may not yet be open for all dates. If you can’t
register, don’t panic. Please keep checking the ETS web site ( frequently over
the next few days.

Seating is limited. Be sure to register early!

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Patricia Szasz, Director, Intensive English Programs at 1.831.647.3501 or

January TOEFL iBT Preparation Course deadline this Friday, December 19th

For anyone interested in attending the January TOEFL iBT Preparation Course, please note that the registration deadline is this Friday, December 19th.

Please download the instructions and registration form from this link:


If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Patricia Szasz, Director, Intensive English Programs at 1.831.647.3501 or