Professor Jeff Langholz did several summer projects that combined business with policy in the form of sustainable enterprise development.
In June, he traveled to London to advise the CEO of sports apparel giant PUMA Inc. on a major “green business” initiative to be launched in October. June also saw him writing an analytical report for the World Wildlife Fund that made recommendations on using sustainable enterprises to improve and expand the organization’s efforts. He involved recent IEP alumna and Fulbright Scholar (Brazil) Heather Zissler in this consultancy because of her in-depth knowledge of the subject.
Much of the summer was devoted to researching and writing a 120-page report on sustainable agriculture. Funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts and The Nature Conservancy, the report examines the extent to which growers of spinach, lettuce, and other leafy greens in seven Central Coast counties have implemented a “scorched earth” policy on farms in an attempt to reduce food safety risks.
Last, the WorldWatch Institute – which produces the annual State of the World reports — has published an article by Dr. Langholz in the current (Sept/Oct) issue of its award-winning WorldWatch Magazine. The provocative piece challenges the international conservation community to double the amount of biodiversity protected globally by investing in nature-based ventures. Please click here for a copy of the article.