There have been many changes on campus this summer and Kade is no exception. In the beginning of the summer, IT moved the printer, scanner and PC computers out of Kade. Student printing is available in three locations: Pacific Lab (CF 442), Coleman library and Lab & Media Services (Morse A 101).
Kade hours will be posted at the beginning of the semester.
Kade is the exclusive hub for the Teaching and Learning Collaborative (TLC). Staff who are a part of the TLC are:
- Bob Cole
- Sarah Springer
- Kristen Byers
- Lynn McDonald
Activities of the TLC staff:
- Innovation: Pedagogical & organizational
- Digital & New Media Development
- Idea Development
We love visitors to Kade who are interested in exploring, learning and sharing.
Hi, Bob & Sarah!
How have you been? Are you still fine there!?
KADE is exactly a place where I started my career as a CALLer. I still remember my learning with my colleagues in courses there.
I look forward to seeing you all in the near future!