FirstClass email will cease to be used on September 15, 2009, as the Monterey Institute completes its transition to Exchange email hosted by Middlebury College. If you are still using FirstClass to send email, you should plan to transition to Exchange email before the fall semester begins. Contact the Helpdesk (ext. 6656) for assistance.
will the emails that are sent to accounts with first class addresses continue to be forwarded to exchange?
So with the loss of First Class conferences, do we have something on Exchange that will serve the conference purpose? Will there be blogs setup in lieu of or are we to rely only on MIIS@Work and the events calendar? Has their been a final decision on this? Please share any information as I am completely in the dark on this issue. Or if there is no decision yet, do we know what the timeline is to set these guidelines? Thank you!
I will be making a blog post shortly that will (hopefully) help out with many of the email questions I receive at the Help Desk.
Greg Harris is preparing a post that will answer some of the lingering questions on email logistics. Linae’s question about conferences is a broader one. The short answer is that we don’t want to impose a single tool, but rather empower the individual to select the best tool for the job. There are a number of possibilities, from setting up a blog or a wiki, to posting to an existing blog, to simply creating a distribution list in Outlook. We have begun using our Moodle homepage as an aggregator for multiple blogs, so that users have something closer to one-stop shopping for information. TLC/DMC is continuing to work with Jason Warburg to develop internal communications solutions and help users navigate among them. If you have a need that has been met by a First Class conference in the past, stop by and talk to someone in TLC about how this need can best be addressed in the future.
What will happen to old messages currently stored in our firstclass accounts? Must these messages be stored elsewhere prior to September 15th, or will we still have access to our archived messages even when the ability to send/receive new ones is disabled?
You will still be able to log into First Class and see your old messages — you just won’t be able to send or receive any mail. It is still recommended to backup the emails you want to keep, perhaps to an external drive or USB stick. The actual ‘switch off’ date is yet to be determined, as we do intend on having a party to honor this occasion.
Along the lines of Linae’s question what will replace the current Classified conference on First Class? This is a very valuable resource for students (as well as staff) and I’m sure we won’t want to lose the ability to help the incoming students find roommates, furniture, housing, etc.