The unbook club met at Maha’s restaurant on March 9th to discuss our latest concept/book, The Art of Possibility. This book really struck a chord in the group and the conversations were lively and interesting.
The big idea of the book is to change your outlook to create opportunities. The Zanders use stories to emphasize their concepts and illustrate that we can be the solution. Concepts such as giving yourself or others an A, making a contribution, tell the we story, its all invented and living your passion are given life in this book along with ways in which you can incorporate them into your life. One concept from the book, rule number six, made an impression. What’s rule number six? Don’t take yourself so seriously. What are the other rules? There are no other rules.
The unbook club group felt like they had only scratched the surface in analyzing this book and decided to keep reading it and discussing it at our next meeting, April 6th. The group will be meeting in Kade at noon – everyone is welcome!